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in reply to Brian Russell

Hi ! Could you update the toot with an image description, so it's accessible to everyone, please ?

For instance :

A super-hero with the letter G on their torso lands on a devastated land.
A civilian : "Look ! It's the Good Guys!".
Good Guy : "Fear not citizens ! We have the situation under control. You see we have destroyed all of the hospitals, schools, and all public places the BAD guys may have been hiding."
The civilian, concerned : "You evacuated civilians, right ?"
Good Guy : "We told them to flee to the refugees camps ! Which we've also destroyed. Can't be too careful. Don't worry, anyone that we missed will die of starvation because we've cut off the food supply !"
Civilian, terrified : "What ? Why ?"
Good guy : "We're the good guys !"


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