Skip to main content - Twitter literally suspended the people who outed the Nazi instead of the Nazi himself. Why? The Nazi asked Elon to suspend them.

And some of you reading this still help to keep Twitter alive. Get the fuck off that shit and don’t look back.

in reply to Susan ✶✶✶✶

If a Nazi sits with a table of ten other people, there's eleven Nazis at the table.
in reply to Susan ✶✶✶✶

..yet another reason to avoid a number of 'social media' and this one is on the list.
in reply to Susan ✶✶✶✶

The right wing has been busy trying to take over social media.
in reply to Susan ✶✶✶✶

They complain that they are silenced on "liberal" controlled social media. So they make their own safe space, and no one shows up. Because they don't want to talk to each other about their views freely, they want to harass people who don't agree with them. So they come back to "woke" social media and try to remove people's abilities to ignore them. Which is why Elon is trying to give the blue checks the ability to get around blocks and mutes, but EU laws won't let him.

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