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electronics question

I'd try this out on a breadboard, but I don't currently have the necessary parts so I'll just ask instead.

What happens on a 555 timer if you simultaneously drive the trigger low and the threshold high? Is this an error state that could vary from chip to chip?

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

electronics question
My guess is that the output would be driven low, but that the drain would remain in a high-impedence state (as I'd expect both the Q and ~Q outputs of the SR latch to be driven low.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

electronics question

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in reply to Matthew Skala

electronics question

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in reply to Matthew Skala

electronics question
@Matthew Skala Fun fact: I was staring at that exact data sheet and didn't see that. I've no plans to do this. I was just curious. Thanks for pointing it out though.

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