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in reply to Jon's Blog

Hey, I'd recommend Contabo as a VPS provider - they provide the best specs for money that I've seen. I know a few MT servers use them (including NCC). Big names like Linode don't give you much for what you pay
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Jon's Blog

This is a good example of something Kaniini wrote about recently in relation to Matrix and Discord:
the admin UX is the most important for networked software.
in reply to Csepp 🌢

@Csepp 🌢 I mean, if I didn't have things set up in the hacky way I do, I wouldn't be having these problems.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@me The efficiency at which a moderator team can work through spam and abuse is definitely influenced by what kind of UI and APIs they have available.
in reply to Csepp 🌢

@Csepp 🌢 True. At the time, the moderator team was just me, and I hadn't looked at it all weekend. I've since bestowed moderator privileges to a few regulars (particularly ones in different time zones). We've got it more or less under control now.
in reply to Jon's Blog

Thanks for the post; it was a good read.

I'm curious why the desire to move away from Linode?

in reply to David :ubuntu: :android: :php:

@David :ubuntu: 😛hp: Multiple reasons: primarily their aquisition by Akamai as well as the fact that Hetzner offers a more powerful VPS for less money.

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