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Ukraine signs first security agreement with a non-European nation

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced on 24 February the signing of a "cooperation agreement in the field of security" with the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, who is currently in Kyiv.… #news #ukraine

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in reply to Ukrainska Pravda

Both Canada & Ukraine have the same problem: they share a border with Russia.
Both are being targeted by the same fossil fuel interests. Putin. #KochNetwork.

Putin wants Arctic oil drilling & so does its ally #KochNetwork. Both are attacking Canada & Ukraine.………………

The Koch front helping them: the JCCF…


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in reply to Nicole Parsons………

Just like Citizens United, the JCCF won an important legal battle to thwart democracy trying to defend itself from disinformation & cyber warfare.………

Thwarting laws that prevent foreign threat funding is the next precedent they seek. Several tech companies were funded to set up shop in Canada to interfere in US elections.…

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in reply to Nicole Parsons


The JCCF is the Canadian equivalent of the Federalist Society.
Posing as a "charity", it's funded by oil billionaires to undermine democracies like Canada, and thwart support for Ukraine.

Fossil fuel interests like Koch & Putin seek to divide public opinion by attacking the civil rights of immigrants, women, & LGBTQ.

& enshrine Christian Nationalism into law & politics, thwart climate action, keep tax subsidies, & break up the nation with calls for secession.

Just like Ukraine.

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in reply to Nicole Parsons

Would the world be different if every charity, including churches, were taxed, banned from political donations and required full transparency on funding, ownership and management?

I'm feeling generous. They can claim back taxes, if they provide a social good and have receipts.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to TCat - Vote Blue, Vote Harris


As Ananda Giridharadas writes, philanthropy is being used to disguise a billionaire funded attack on democracy. He accurately describes the problem.

The rich launched a malign influence campaign called neoliberalism to evade taxation. They did it to subvert democracy & climate action. They substituted good public policies with fake charity instead.…

His next book discusses solutions.…

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

The extreme wealth hides behind the arts ,as they have for years. They greenwash their names when they give to NPR , NOVA, National Gepgraphic, Museums, music and documentaries. It's like they want to be seen as preserving history and the foundation of knowledge ,when they are actually trying to destroy it. They stepped on people to get where they are, nothing will change. They're only saving themselves.
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Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to TCat - Vote Blue, Vote Harris

@TCatLikesReality @Nicole Parsons I don't care if a charity is tax exempt, even a church, but... to qualify for that tax-exempt status, they should have to open up their books to the general public.

Every. Single. Transaction.

A lot of them would scream louder about that than they would about paying taxes.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@me @TCatInReality @Npars01
And no hiding behind anonymous organisations in the Caymans or wherever - every single transaction must be traced back to named person or registered company.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@me @TCatInReality

The antivaxxer convoys that attacked Ottawa & several border crossings were funded by "suddenly rich" Christian Nationalist churches.

How many church-goers do you know who have a private jet?…………

Churches are serving as conduits for money laundering, straw donations, and foreign threat funding.…

in reply to Nicole Parsons

Investigate and seize their illegal funds. Unbelievable! Well actually totally believable. WTF is up DOJ? I am certain this exact same thing is happening in the USA.
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in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @me @TCatInReality And don't forget, the churches tell the sheep that if they don't give 10% of their gross income to the church you are "robbing God."

But no, you aren't. The preachers who say that need to combine a bunch of unrelated fragments of the Bible to even come up with that, but when they are preaching that they go through their scriptural proof texts so quickly that most of the congregation does have time to read the surrounding contexts for those verses. Almost all of the tithes in the Bible were voluntary, and some of them were the plunder of battle - in other words those good tithers were actually trying to bribe God to ensure success the next time they went out to battle, using items they had stolen from the bodies and homes of their victims in the current battle! The only people ever required to tithe were the Levites that lived in the Jewish temple and had outside employment, and that was basically payment for "room and board" There is no Biblical requirement for Christians to tithe - that is one of the three great lies of fundamentalist Christianity (the others are that "the unsaved" will go to a "fire and brimstone" hell, and that if you speak out about lies and false preaching you are "touching God's annointed" and God will strike you down. None of which are true, but all of which are useful lies to use in controlling the sheep).

in reply to Nicole Parsons


The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms ( #JCCF ) is a Canadian legal advocacy organization specializing in a social conservative approach to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The libertarian organisation has partnered with several right-wing backers in the United States…

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Nicole Parsons

@Npars01 @cdarwin

This is how you get stupid people in government. These shit bag billionaires keep paying for useful idiots to get elected. Like I said before idiots in government are like turtles on fence post. You know that turtle didn't get on top that fence post by itself.

in reply to Larry

@quoidian @cdarwin

It should.

The post 9/11 legislation against foreign threat funding doesn't seem to cover acts of terrorism where there is a domestic ally.

When pro-oil advocates are co-opted and become quislings for hostile foreign state actors... the 9/11 statutes are insufficient.

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in reply to Nicole Parsons

Oh. American. Unlikely that you'd have the mandate statement for the Canadian Crown Inquiry into Foreign Interference etc etc at the tip of your tongue.
Sorry, eh.
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in reply to Larry

@quoidian @Npars01

The Commission was established by the Government of Canada on September 7, 2023, to “examine and assess” two things:

🔸“interference by China, Russia, and other foreign states or non-state actors” in Canada’s 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

🔸 “the flow of information to senior decision-makers, including elected officials” and others, during and in the weeks following those two elections, and what actions these decision-makers took in response.

On January 24, the Commission added India to the scope of its inquiry; however, the exact nature of the allegations vis-à-vis India remains unclear.….

in reply to Chuck Darwin

@cdarwin @Npars01
Interference by non-state actors from the USA are not specifically listed, but not forbidden?
in reply to Larry

@quoidian @cdarwin

That is my understanding. I could be wrong.

Domestic terrorists that receive foreign-funded support for malign influence campaigns are not investigated, under the 9/11 statutes, until well after the damage has been done.

Dissent is legal. Property damage, violence, murder, attempted murder, and other overt acts are illegal.

The funding of the disinformation campaign that led to the violence & murder remains legal.

Nicole Parsons reshared this.

in reply to Chuck Darwin

India is involved because of the election of anti-democracy Modi and his practice of collusion with oil-rich despots like Putin & Mohammed bin Salman.……

Just like #KochNetwork, Modi is vehemently opposed to pluralistic, multi-racial democracy.

India is one way Putin is evading sanctions.…

Modi has also been assassinating his dissidents on Canadian soil, just like Putin & MBS…

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in reply to Nicole Parsons

Canada is not unique in that, there are reports of a whack on a Sikh activist in the USA.

Echoes of the 1940 Mexican assassinatiin of Trotsky

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