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Diving into LibreOffice Base to coordinate some tasks that are becoming too cumbersome to do manually. I have very mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, it all feels very kludgy, but on the other, if all you're looking to do is slap a somewhat user-friendly UI on a database, it's the easiest way I've found to go about it.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

My disappointment with everything LibreOffice is immense. I have started learning RST, PST2PDF and LaTeX for my reports, reveal.js for presentations, and Juypter for my calculations because its so hard to use them. I really wish that they were just slightly better, and less unpredictable with formatting. But I'm privledged enough to not have to use others tools, and I refuse to use M$ products anymore.
in reply to Jeff MacKinnon

@Jeff MacKinnon Oftentimes, all I need is markdown, CSV, and maybe sqlite. When it's something that Katy is going to use as well, LibreOffice gives her a more familiar (MS Office-like) experience... not that she's ever used Access though... at least not to my knowledge.

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