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TikTok ban
The problem isn't just TikTok. All corporate-owned social media spies on you. That's why you shouldn't use any of it. Full stop.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Yep... but then you might as well go live in a hermitage somewhere... you do realize that 75% of what you read here on the Diaspora Network starts on one of the corporate owned social media sites?
in reply to Joseph Teller

@Joseph Teller Sure. The vast majority of what hits my feed comes from Mastodon though. The ratio there seems a little better. Even still, reading posts that way doesn't involve me being tracked to within an inch of my life.

If nobody else used both, sure, I'd "miss out" on that content. I can live with that.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

So you'd put up with the sound of crickets to spite them all. Good luck with that.

I need to know what is going on. I don't have cable tv (a real corporate problem) and my "social media" include my local weather info (via Youtube) as does a lot of my news sources etc.

And ALL my interests are in things that no longer have magazines or newspapers exclusive to them, instead them have Podcasts, Youtube Channels, etc. Same with most of the folks I communicate with in my life (since I lost so many friends and relatives to the Pandemic).

It's not the 1990s anymore.

in reply to Joseph Teller

@Joseph Teller That's not really likely to happen though, is it? At least not in the near future. Besides, if everyone jumped ship, there would be no content there to miss out on to begin with.

My original point though was that singling out TikTok as the only problem is rather silly.

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