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An Interesting Perspective on Callings and "Worthiness"


Thoughts about testimonial justice when all these letters I'm reading (letters of support for Natasha Helfer during her excommunication) almost all begin with the person's CV of Church callings and qualifications in righteousness.

Because in the LDS Church, you are more likely to be believed if you are (or at least were) in leadership positions. The higher up the better.

I've seen this in the #exmormon community as well, with people stating their previous positions as if that makes their testimony against the Church more credible. (I do not fault them; that is how the system works.)

The Church preaches that all are equal in God's eyes, and then fosters a culture where that is absolutely not true.

#exmo #LDS #Mormon #exJW #exvangelical #ReligiousTrauma

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I've been following them on Mastodon for a while. Lots of quality posts there.

The phenomenon is real though. On reddit, everyone HAD to mention their bona fides before launching into a criticism on r/exmormon, and on r/latterdaysaints, you had to mention your bona fides before asking a "risky" question. It seems completely normal when inside that world, but as soon as you step out, and disconnect a bit, it becomes very apparent.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

It’s a stigma I hope we can begin to break on exmormon. It’s something I find my extended family doing all the time and it drives me crazy. BIL is a Zone Leader, other members are in 🥩 Presidencies, Patriarchs, the list goes on. I just want to laugh and tell them they’re playing a giant game of DnD and none of this matters but I don’t because I like em and don’t want to make em cry hahaha.
This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to GhostCowboy76

...and I'm a level 40 paladin. What's your point?

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