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Show me the movie or television character you wanted to be growing up vs. the one you feel like you became
in reply to The Gibson

Growing up, I wanted to be exactly like Spock and Scotty.

Today, I'm most like Endicott Reginald Barclay.

in reply to The Gibson

Basically the same, just a little less mentally flexible and adventurous and a bit more "Shit, all this again. Right, let's just get it done"
in reply to Strypey

@strypey That is the original incarnation of Ziggy, from Quantum Leap.

in reply to The Doctor

> That is the original incarnation of Ziggy, from Quantum Leap.

Of course! I thought it looked vaguely similar to Zen from Blake's 7, but I was pretty sure it wasn't that. I was on the right track...


in reply to The Gibson

I can't be trusted, so I'm murdering the format whilst keeping the spirit alive.

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in reply to The Gibson

Content warning: Realistic Dinosaur violence

in reply to The Gibson

Going a little off the assignment for this one. But IYKYK.

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in reply to The Gibson

after <--> before

Though TBH I'm more Mac, but with Bozo's hair style, though not quite the color 🙃

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in reply to The Gibson

Wanted to be: Dana Scully from X-Files.
Became: Charlie from It’s Always Sunny.
in reply to The Gibson

it could have been worse but it’s not quite what I was hoping for
in reply to The Gibson

Who I thought I'd grow up to be, versus who I became? Sure.

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in reply to The Gibson

The character I wanted to be growing up vs the character I actually became
in reply to The Gibson

I don't know who I became, but sadly, this ain't it.
in reply to The Gibson

> Show me the movie or television character you wanted to be growing up vs. the one you feel like you became

In reverse order, because I can't figure out how to swap the order of the photos...

This entry was edited (10 months ago)

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in reply to Strypey

@strypey To order pics on mobile, I add one, then I go add the next... selecting both at the same time always seems to order them incorrectly.
in reply to GreenDotGuy

> To order pics on mobile, I add one, then I go add the next... selecting both at the same time always seems to order them incorrectly

This also seems to happen when i post images using Semaphore in a desktop browser. I then tried to use FediLab on Android to edit the post (Semaphore doesn't have post editing yet) and reverse the order, but I couldn't see a way to do it.

in reply to Strypey

@strypey > Show me the movie or television character you wanted to be growing up vs the one you feel like you became


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in reply to Ellie

Content warning: Star Trek Picard spoilers

in reply to The Gibson

> Show me the movie or television character you wanted to be growing up vs. the one you feel like you became

The Gibson reshared this.

in reply to The Gibson

oof good question. this was a very painful reply to come to terms with! -_-

On the left we have Kevin Flynn from TRON
On the right it's Jennings from the movie Paycheck.

in reply to The Gibson

> Show me the movie or television character you wanted to be growing up vs. the one you feel like you became

The Gibson reshared this.

in reply to The Gibson

Picard has always been my role-model (As an aspie I struggle with being diplomatic and managing people unless I go "What would Picard do?") and Spock embodies a cool-and-rational-under-pressure ethos I would also argue is one of my core values, but let's break the mold a bit:
in reply to The Gibson

I'm going to show you instead the FMV game character I wanted to be growing up vs the one I feel like I became because I probably spent as much time as a kid watching my brother play games as I did watching TV/movies
in reply to The Gibson

Dreams of becoming a super spy badass turned into scientist who wears glasses and a cardigan.

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in reply to The Gibson

wanted to be, actually became...

(Tank Girl vs Rain Dogs)

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in reply to The Gibson

Not the journey anyone expected, but I'm ok with it

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Unknown parent

@voltur it was! Have you been following Conversations With Curtis at all? If not it is an incredible project.
Unknown parent

@voltur basically the actor for Curtis started a project to interview everyone that worked on Phantasmagoria 2 and create a strong oral history of it, while also streaming himself playing it for the first time because he wasn't a gamer and never played it. He's then moved on to trying to interview everyone else he can from various other old games, starting with Phantasmagoria 1 and going from there. It's a treasure trove of old game knowledge nobody seems to have noticed exists but he's a delightful man.
in reply to The Gibson

How it started: Maren (Doctor Who)
How it's going: Witchiepoo (H.R. Pufnstuf)

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in reply to The Gibson

> Show me the movie or television character you wanted to be growing up vs. the one you feel like you became

I'm late to the game but I finally figured out the encapsulation of who I wanted to be when I was little.

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