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Trying to wrap my brain around finite fields. I get how one can construct a finite field with an order of a prime number, but I don't get how it works with powers of primes. Everything I try to read on the subject eventually ends up getting into notation that I don't know how to read.

I think I get that a GF(p^n) has something to do with converting the field into a polynomial where all the coefficients are of GF(p), but that's where my understanding starts to fall apart.

Can anyone point me at something that will help me to better understand this?

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


I found this article, which brings me a little closer to understanding, but:

For example, for GF(2^3), the modulus can be taken as x^3+x^2+1 or x^3+x+1.

How in the hell did they arrive at those values?

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


I mean, I get why it would need to contain an x^3, but is finding a modulus that works just a matter of trial and error until one lands on one that works, or is there a way to calculate this?

If the former, how did Galois work out that it's always possible to do for any power of a prime?

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


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in reply to Matthew Skala

@Matthew Skala There's also the fact that a term is either present or it's not (i.e.: the coefficient is either 0 or 1).
in reply to Matthew Skala


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in reply to Matthew Skala

@Matthew Skala Yeah, for the most part, I just accept that someone smarter than me has already proven it.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Happy birthday indeed! I'm sorry I only have a crappy salutation and no help for your math problem 😁

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