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*Driving home from running some errands.*

Me: Hmm... thats strange. That cop is following me from awfully far back. I wonder what that's about.

Katy: Do you think he's running our plates?

Me: You'd think he'd get closer to read it, but still it seems fishy.

*I pull into a lane that people normally use for turning right, but I need it because the entrance to my parking lot is coming up.*

Me: Ah, the cop's signalling that he's turning right. I was just being paranoid.

*After I clear the intersection, the signal goes off and the turn is aborted.*

Me: Yup... we're being followed. We weren't speeding. Do you think we have a tail light out or something?

*I pull into the parking lot. The lights come on and the cop pulls in behind me.*

Turns out our tags were expired. You don't have to pay for them, but you *do* have to click on some things to renew them for some reason that I still don't understand. Historically we've always gotten a notice in the mail, but not so this time around. Fortunately, I got off with a warning, would've been a $495 ticket otherwise.

If you're an Ontario resident, maybe check on that if you haven't.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

ayup. They turned an annoying bureaucratic revenue generation scheme into an annoying make-work initiative for cops that's also a revenue generation scheme.
in reply to Darcy Casselman

@Darcy Casselman My favourite part of the interaction:

Cop: Are you still at $address?

Me: Yeah... that's this building right here.

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