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trump, super super cursed, cognitohazard, do not open

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in reply to Mystery Babylon

trump, super super cursed, cognitohazard, do not open

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in reply to Maddie, Wizard of Installs 🪄

trump, super super cursed, cognitohazard, do not open
I must find someone else to blame for my errors
in reply to Mystery Babylon

trump, super super cursed, cognitohazard, do not open
Relatedly, are you haunted by that brown forehead trickle, or is that just me? After decades of public life, that is all I can remember the man for now.
in reply to Mystery Babylon

trump, super super cursed, cognitohazard, do not open

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in reply to Maddie, Wizard of Installs 🪄

re: trump, super super cursed, cognitohazard, do not open

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This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Mystery Babylon

re: trump, super super cursed, cognitohazard, do not open

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in reply to Les Orchard

re: trump, super super cursed, cognitohazard, do not open

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in reply to Andrew

re: trump, super super cursed, cognitohazard, do not open
But see like...that's the same issue. All kinds of people with spraytan on in the South, and I really don't recall seeing it melt off anyone before. I guess it could, but you'd think he would have access to the good shit.
in reply to Mystery Babylon

re: trump, super super cursed, cognitohazard, do not open

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