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There's this little Chinese restaurant that Katy and I like to order from occasionally. Because this is Canada, the fortune cookies tend to have English and French on them (one language on each side of the paper). They're manufactured in such a way that when I crack them open, I usually see the French side first, which usually isn't a problem.

I'll admit that my French is not as good as my English, but I'm more or less bilingual. This time though, I swear the French side of the fortune was generated by a Markov chain or something. I was actually forced to read the English side to figure out what they were trying to say.

The French side:

Vos yeux délicieux, voire dynamiques, ont fait naître un admirateur mystérieux.

The English side:

Your dynamic eyes have attracted a secret admirer.

Am I just forgetting how to speak French, or is this a really clumsily constructed sentence?

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