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No matter what, we will reach Net Zero. Whether that’s emissions or humans remains to be seen.

#climateCrisis #NetZero

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in reply to Aral Balkan

humans will survive. Whether we or our descendants are among those (possibly very few) that will is another matter. How good or bad will be a life for them is yet another matter.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Reminds me of a shocking interaction a few years ago with a climate-change don't-carer. She said the effects didn't bother her because she'd be dead by then. Turned out she was wrong as she's still alive, but that wasn't the shocking part. The shock was because this person had grandchildren (and now has great-grandchildren). I'm still reeling.
in reply to Aral Balkan

nah, humans are like cockroaches, you can't get rid of them all
in reply to Aral Balkan

If we get to zero humans, the zero emissions will follow as a matter of course, won't they? Not a scenario I relish, by any means, but a big reduction in the number of humans is essential, IMO, especially of those humans generating the most GHG emissions.
in reply to Aral Balkan

"net zero" humans seems unlikely, but not impossible.

I agree that whatever comes next, our carbon emitting days are numbered. The whole infrastructure to extract, refine, ship and consume carbon it is tied to the economic flows of our culture, and can't continue.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Good point!

Either way, with or without us, the planet will continue on its way, even if it's only home to extremophiles such as those surrounding undersea acid gas vents!

in reply to Aral Balkan

I'm betting on Mother Nature here. Humans probably won't make it long term, but life will continue and evolve into new and creative forms. Whoever is around in a 100 millon years will see...

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