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in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard Weirdly, in high school, I was "Ian's brother".

Or at least I was in OAC (when he started grade 9). Before that, I was that weird guy in the corner with the laptop.

in reply to David August

First: I wouldn't have started the journey as a biological being from the get go but would have waited for the introdus to travel as a multiredundant ai.

Second: IF i would have to travel as a cryogenic conserved corpse. I would have designed some sort of semi-intelligent agent who is able to research and confirm if the newly found civilisation has the technical ability to give me the introdus right away.....

And Third: If there's still no introdus available, i would just speed along and take the journey to the next best system. ;)

.oO(… ;))

Edit: P.s.: Yes, i considered for the whole process to take several thousands if not millions of years. ;)

This entry was edited (10 months ago)
in reply to hackbyte (friendica) 13HB1

@hackbyte (friendica) Of course you would have thought of all the eventualities, I’m pretty sure the Apollo program folks did, too! 😛
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan Hrr yes i would have...

being a multiredundant-ai meant that actually i started about 32 (duplicate) ships on different trajectories from the get go .. each and every one being a fully enclosed von neumann probe designed and programmed to catch any material along the way and replicate itself to create more redundancy....

The only thing i still have to deal with is value drift..

Initially, for sure, i wanted to reintegrate each any every copy into my main (AI) personality whenever i cross another version of myself..

it's just .... i can't guarantee that _they_ all want to reintegrate .. and because i consider any living (real or virtual) being sacrosanct...... uhmm

Mkay there's a bit of a risk....... ;)

This entry was edited (10 months ago)

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