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GenX/Xennials dealing with aging parents and grandparents is a whole vibe.

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in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

<chuckles quietly in boomer>
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

my parents, being amazing, recently had us over for a conversation about a remodeling project to make their home more accessible *before* one of them gets sick or frail enough to need it. they're very aware of the risk of getting sucked dry by the American elder care system.
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

hmmm. Most people I've known throughout my life had to deal with caring for older relatives at some point, it's not new nor is struggling for one reason or another. Nor is war nor is greed, which are really better issues to worry about and combat.
in reply to Cabbidges

@TheDailyBurble I'm not sure I said it was "new." Only that it's our time to go through it and that it's a vibe. Which has nothing to do with war and greed. I've still got to take care of my mom even with worrying about war and greed. I'm not going to stop worrying about my mom or grieving my dad because I'm also worried about war. Is there something wrong with me seeking solidarity with my generational cohorts who are also care-taking parents and grieving them when they die?
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

Well the procreation process isn't neatly divided into decades and frankly blaming some other decade for things you're experiencing that people before and behind you did and will, is a bit pointless.

By the way other people also feel overstretched, whatever age.

I think the "gen" labels come right off some marketing drawing board, initially to sell shoes or something.

Now all the better to divide us by.

in reply to Cabbidges

@TheDailyBurble Where did I blame any previous generation here? Where did I say that no one else feels overstretched? Where did I use generational cohorts in a divisive way? Why is this suddenly a competition?
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

Why are you so defensive?

Where is the reaching out to another person?

I assume I'm older than you and if you're having a tough time, I've probably been there (or near enough), it's a thing with age that the years you live actually existed and that's the same for you as it is for me. I just have more of them.

Statistically that means I have more years of being exploited, cheated, robbed, lost dreams etc. on the downside, plus the bits I got together on the upside. What's to envy

in reply to Cabbidges

@TheDailyBurble Because you’re coming into my mentions putting words into my mouth?

I turn 50 soon, so regardless of how old you are, I, too, have many years of being exploited, cheated, robbed, on top of that, abused to the point of being disabled. Also a single parent for the entire life of my son.

My starting assumption, regardless of our relative ages, is that you and I are equals, with different experiences, & that I could teach you as well as you teaching me. So maybe that’s the vibe I’m picking up? That you are coming here with something to teach me in my “ignorance” as my superior, when I haven’t asked to be taught?

What I wanted from my twoot, and what I got from others, was people relating to having grown up through a particular time, with a shared identity & cultural experiences, who are now taking care of parents.

There are social norms for how to politely insert yourself into this conversation without derailing, lecturing, or talking down. Maybe try again?

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

Up to you really it's your own outline you need to find. I personally find your ageism offensive also, and am glad that you value your experience more than some arbitrary generation.

As to social norms, I presume you put your views into a public space for comment and engagement in good faith as did I reply.

in reply to Cabbidges

@Cabbidges wrote:

Why are you so defensive?

Because you're coming across as rather antagonistic?

in reply to Cabbidges


I'm sure this refers to poor gen x and ageing parents.
"GenX/Xennials dealing with aging parents and grandparents is a whole vibe"

or maybe you're not gen x, I don't 'gen' people and wouldn't know. Perhaps you could clarify the whole point of singling out "ageing parents" as some kind of giant issue.

in reply to Cabbidges

@Cabbidges To be honest, this whole thread has gone down such a non-sequitur rabbit hole that I'm really not sure how to respond.

I believe the questions you're asking have already been answered.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


Not really. Non sequitur just means avoiding via obfuscation. I don't accept that all who are older are automatically an obstacle via age to your aims for a better world, which seems to me rather a mild challenge, given what people have already done before you (both)( I replied to one but now are two to reply to)

It might not be age, or generations you're raging against?

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

I don’t know which is harder: dealing with aging parents that loved you, or dealing with aging parents that didn’t.
in reply to Aphrodite ☑️ :boost_ok:

@Aphrodite I somehow managed to get both all in one? Like, that "love" me but maybe have a different idea of what love is than I do, or maybe without the capacity to love me the way I'd prefer.

Making strides with mom this week, though. She's trying very hard. So am I.


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