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I have a cheap multimeter because I do not require one frequently enough to invest in a decent one. I noticed something interesting though: there are a lot of seemingly metallic things in my apartment that are surprisingly good insulators? (e.g.: a (brass?) doorknob)

I thought the multimeter was the problem, but when I measure something like a wire, it seems to be okay. Is this normal?

I'll have to check if I have any spare resistors with known values laying around to better test the meter.

in reply to fedops πŸ’™πŸ’›

@fedops πŸ’™πŸ’› This is what I was thinking. Also, after a little research, it seems that brass can either a conductor or an insulator depending on the ratio of copper to zinc. Higher concentrations of zinc make for a more durable, but less conductive metal.

TIL metals can be insulators (assuming this random sketchy web site can be trusted).


in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

This is why gold is used in electronics so much. Copper may be a much better conductor than gold, but copper has surface oxidation that can get bad, while a thin plating of gold is... golden!

Aluminum oxidizes within seconds after scraping a fresh layer and why it's so difficult to work with

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