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#help with #images #photo #art for the visually impaired

Some testing to see the chance on #diaspora* for the #altText, #alt4me and #alt4you movement as it exists on mastodon.

Uploading a image to diaspora* as seen above doesn't allow to add altText directly to that image.

The image url upload in this post is:

Using the thumb_medium size image url and adding the very same image as mark down and adding altText it would look like this:
basic avatar background of the actual server. The image is gimped compilation of the friendica logo together with the CC published permafleur image and the copy left sign in the center of the image

At least in the post preview there is no hover over text available on the thumb nail added by markdown.
The complete markdown code used looks like this:
![basic avatar background of the actual server. The image is gimped compilation of the friendica logo together with the CC published permafleur image and the copy left sign in the center of the image](

If the altText shows up as hover over, a workaround would be to upload images as restricted publication toe a picture upload aspect that contains no contacts of the diaspora profile and insert it than into a public post with markdown using the altText option markdown provides. Uploaded images on diaspora are not restricted to the respective aspects group they are uploaded to but publicly available so this work around would work nicely.

in reply to mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

friendica uses the:
[text to be shown if image itself cannot be shown for any reason]
as altText as the:
"This is the mouseover text"
is considered the titel text of the image and is not displayed.

There for it should be like this:
![basic avatar background of the actual server. The image is a gimped compilation of the friendica logo together with the CC published permafleur image and the copy left sign in the center of the image]( "basic avatar background of the actual server. The image is a gimped compilation of the friendica logo together with the CC published permafleur image and the copy left sign in the center of the image" )

basic avatar background of the actual server. The image is a gimped compilation of the friendica logo together with the CC published permafleur image and the copy left sign in the center of the image

doppelt gemoppelt hält besser!

in reply to mʕ•ﻌ•ʔm jesuiSatire .. ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ

Actually the markdown site states:

To add an image, add an exclamation mark (!), followed by alt text in brackets, and the path or URL to the image asset in parentheses. You can optionally add a title in quotation marks after the path or URL.

The example displayed shows the titel as hoover over. So somehow this in part is about the definition and or use of the the term altText. (?)
Like too say, mastodon considers the hoover over text a alternative text for the visually impaired while markdown considers altText as the alternative text when the image is not available.

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