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Another day seein' the same posts dozens of times, over and over. Any original thoughts, people?


in reply to Adam Hunt

There were people on it I liked that disappeared when it went.
in reply to Adam Hunt

Another day seein’ the same posts dozens of times

Reposts are aimed at people who have not been logged-on for long periods of time, and are unlikely to dig deeply down.

in reply to Adam Hunt

If reposts were aimed at people who haven't been logged in for long periods of time then it would be impossible to see the same posts dozens of times in one day's worth of feed. Instead reposts would have to happen days apart, if not longer.

They'd still be HIGHLY annoying.

in reply to Adam Hunt

Ah, but it is also difficult to know what other people are doing.
in reply to Adam Hunt

It's not difficult at all -- just go look.

If in some magical alternate universe I were to have the keys to managing the diaspora code I'd immediately remove the "reshare" feature, entirely.

Proper filtering mechanisms that could prevent one from ever seeing the same post more than once, along with true integration of comment threads and likes could make reshares useful for the one thing they can do well, which is to widen the audience for a post, but as-is they only cause fragmentation and major annoyance.

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