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Despite the sadness of seeing them leave the platform I'm working on, I can't express how cool it is to be able to still follow people who moved to any other platform #Friendica is compatible with, including Mastodon, Diaspora, and more, all from my same account.

It's completely unheard of in most other social media context, and yet here it's completely seamless.

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

It is interesting that I came across this today, within the hour you posted it seems. I've been thinking of this very thing. That is, moving to Mastodon, or rather using that solely over also running my own private Friendica instance. Every time I'm sure I've decided, something like this happens to make me pause, and you've been the one to make me do it again today! 😁 Though, I'm not fully my Friendica instance has been properly functioning for some time now.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan This is the fediverse's killer feature. I have everything in one place, regardless of where it's hosted. Friendica makes this even better with its RSS support.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan Yeah. For me, it was originally the fact that it could talk both ActivityPub and Diaspora*. I discovered the RSS thing later. BTW, are there any plans to add support for bluesky?
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan @Michael Vogel Cool. I haven't really been able to be bothered to look into bluesky because it doesn't seem to offer anything new, but if I could interact with it from here, I might actually pay more attention... so I'll play with that when it's out.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

The current stable version of Friendica already contains a posting connector. And the develop branch contains a bidirectional sync which is working mostly okay. There are still small glitches, but is mostly works great.

But since Bluesky hasn't yet activated real federation it is only a connector like the Twitter connector, means you need an existing Bluesky account.

in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel In that case, I'm less interested. If it's not actually openly federated, I'm not particularly interested in supporting it.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

It's strange. I am using various platforms including Mastodon, Lemmy, Hubzilla and Friendica. I think Friendica is the best in terms of functionality, versatility, ease of installation. It is good that there are more opportunities to choose between the various platforms. However Mastodon has more than 50% user share and this can be a negative factor. The important thing is to maintain compatibility between the various platforms.

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