Ep. 294 Narcissism and Family Cults Part 2 - Episode 25 Remastered
Ever wondered if Narcissism and Cults go hand in hand? Join me this week while I interview Dee. Dee grew up in a household with 2 narcissistic parents who were extremely devout in their Catholicism.Spreaker
Ep. 293 Narcissism and Family Cults - Episode 25 Remastered
Ever wondered if Narcissism and Cults go hand in hand? Join me this week while I interview Dee. Dee grew up in a household with 2 narcissistic parents who were extremely devout in their Catholicism.Spreaker
Ep. 291 The Unification Church - An Introduction - Episode 3 Remastered
For this episode we explore Reverend Sun Myung Moon and his billion dollar empire "The Unification Church". Famous for its mass wedding ceremonies and anti-communistic ideologies, the research into this episode took many unexpected twists and turns.Spreaker
Ep. 290 Soka Gakkai International - SGI Episode 29 Remastered
In this episode I sit down to chat with James, an ex-member the Soka Gakkai International. He tells me his candid story about becoming a part of, being wholly involved in and finally leaving SGI.Spreaker
Ep. 289 The History of Synanon Episode 13 Remastered
Since I recorded this episode over 3 years ago, I have realised it is prounounced "dee-derich" not "ded-erich" - my apologies! In this episode, we take a deep look into the very first, no doctors, drug rehabilitation programme and how it turned from…Spreaker
Ep. 288. Peruvian Community or Cult? Episode 21 Remastered
In this episode, we listen to Amy's story as she recalls her time within an unnamed Peruvian cult. During this episode, we look at what communes and tourism sound like in Peru. A massive thank you to Amy for sharing this detailed account.Spreaker
Ep. 287 Betty Eisner's Psychotherapy Cult - Episode 23 Remastered
In this episode, Tory sits down to chat with me about her time within Dr Betty Gover Eisner's community that she ran using cult methods of control.Spreaker
Ep. 286 International Society for Krishna Conciousness - ISKCON - Episode 4 Remastered
Welcome to deep-dive december! Here is episode 4 remastered, looking into the International Society for Krishna Conciousness (ISKCON). Get in Touch or Support: Patreon - patreon.com/thecultvault Crimecon UK 2024 - https://www.crimecon.co.Spreaker
Ep. 285 Jim Jones and the People's Temple - Episode 2 Remastered
Welcome to deep-dive december! In this episode we go through the lives and times of Jim Jones and The People's Temple.Spreaker
Ep. 284 CEDU - Troubled Teen Industry Part 2 Remastered
In this week's episode, I revisit my first interview regarding the Troubled Teen Industry with CEDU survivior Michael Balaban.Spreaker
Surviving the Shadows: A Deep Dive into the Cult-Like World of CEDU and Its Impact
Are you curious about the hidden world of cults and their impacts on individuals? In this week's episode of the Cult Vault podcast, we delve deep into the experiences of Michael Balaban, a survivor from a controversial programme called CEDU, often li…TheCultVault
Ep. 284 CEDU - Troubled Teen Industry Part 1 Remastered
In this week's episode, I revisit my first interview regarding the Troubled Teen Industry with CEDU survivior Michael Balaban.Spreaker
Learning about Cults: Is the Running Grave cult based on Zendik Farm?
"The Running Grave," a new novel by Robert Galbraith, delves into the dark, enigmatic world of cults, drawing striking parallels to real-life communities.TheCultVault
Ep. 283 Zendik Farm Part 2 Episode 7 Remastered
Hi all! In this episode we revisit my first ever interview with guest Helen Zuman. Helen is a harvard graduate, accomplished author and survivor of Zendik. In this remastered interview, I had many reflections during the editing process.Spreaker