S3 E25 Inside the Bride of Christ Cult
In this episode of the Cult Vault Podcast, host Kacey speaks with Zacch Comfort, creator of the Boiled Frogs podcast, which explores the cult he grew up in. TheSpreaker
S3 E24 Did You Kill My Dad? A Conversation with Madison McGhee
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, host Kacey speaks with Madison McGhee, the creator of the Ice Cold Case podcast, which investigates her father's unsoSpreaker
S3 E23 Duck Duck Groom with Anna Sonoda
Anna has kindly gifted some free ebook versions of her book for UK listeners. Contact me if you are interested in receiving one! In this episode of the Cult VaSpreaker
S3 E22 Soka Gakkai International: Born and Raised
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, host Kacey speaks with Jay, a former member of Soka Gakkai International (SGI), who shares her personal experiences gSpreaker
S3 E21 Inside the Minds of Two Detectives
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, host Kacey speaks with former detectives Scott Rogan and Peter Hogan, who share their experiences in the police forceSpreaker
S3 E20 Extreme Evangelicalism in the Modern Age
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, host Kacey speaks with Cynane Shay, who shares her journey growing up in a fundamentalist evangelical Christian houseSpreaker
S3 E19 Abortion Rights in America
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, Dr. Warren Hern, a prominent abortion provider, discusses his extensive career in women's healthcare, the evolution oSpreaker
S3 E18 A Cult of Many Names: Julius Schacknow/Lord Julius/Brother Julius/The Work Cult
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, host Kacey speaks with Sarah Darmofalski, a former member of the Lord Julius cult. Sarah shares her experiences growiSpreaker
S3 E17 Witch-Hunting: Historically and in the Modern Age
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, host Kacey speaks with Josh Hutchinson and Sarah Jack from End Witch Hunts about the ongoing issue of witch hunts inSpreaker
S3 E16 Paradise Undone: Jim Jones, Jonestown and the Peoples Temple
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, host Kacey interviews author Annie Dawid about her book 'Paradise Undone: A Novel of Jonestown,' which explores the cSpreaker
S3 E15 Broken Trust: Spiritual Abuse and How to Recover
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, host Kacey speaks with Remy, a former pastor and author, about the critical issues of spiritual abuse and toxic faithSpreaker
S3 E14 Tony Quinn & Educo
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, host Kacey speaks with Jon about the controversial group Educo, its origins, evolution, and its impact on individualsSpreaker
S3 E13 Zero Bail Policies and the Rise in Violent Crime
In this episode of the Cult Vault Podcast, host Kacey speaks with attorney Ken Good about the complexities of bail law in the United States, particularly focusiSpreaker
S3 E12 RIFT: Breaking Free from Christian Patriarchy
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, host Kacey speaks with Cait West about her memoir, 'Rift,' which explores her experiences growing up in a Christian pSpreaker
S3 E11 The Landmark Forum and Landmark Worldwide
In this episode of the Cult Vault Podcast, host Kacey speaks with Priscilla about her experiences with the Landmark Forum, a controversial personal developmentSpreaker
S3 E10 A Well Trained Wife: In Conversation with Tia Levings
In this episode, I speak with Tia Levings, author of 'A Well-Trained Wife: My Escape from Christian Patriarchy,' about her experiences escaping Christian patriaSpreaker
A-Z of Cults - A is for Angel’s Landing
This episode was created using Spreaker's new brand new CREATE app on iOS with ready-to-use templates, a very to use copyright free library of music and sound eSpreaker
S3 E9 Marrying into a Family Cult
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, I speak with Peter Young, a returning guest and author of 'Stop the Tall Man, Save the Tiger.' Peter shares his persoSpreaker
S3 E8 Extreme Christian Fundamentalism
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, I speak with Tammie Willis, a survivor of extreme Christian fundamentalism. Tammie shares her journey of escaping a lSpreaker
S3 E7 Lyn Smith-Gregory: The Great-Grandniece of Joseph Smith
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, I speak with Lyn Smith-Gregory, the great-grandniece of Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church. Lyn shares her joSpreaker
S3 E6 Rife with Sexual and Reproductive Coercion: The Way International
This conversation delves into the coercive practices of The Way International, focusing on the sexual and reproductive control of women, financial exploitation,Spreaker
S3 E5 Mind Control is 'The Contraption'
In this episode of the Cult Vault Podcast, I engage with author Bart Stewart, who discusses his novel 'The Contraption' and its exploration of cult dynamics. WeSpreaker
S3 E4 Gaytheist: Escaping Orthodox Judaism
In this episode of the Cult Vault podcast, I speak with Lonnie, a returning guest who has recently published a graphic memoir titled 'Gaytheist: Coming Out of MSpreaker
S3 E3 How Universities Protect Perpetrators and Betray Survivors of Sexual Violence
Another episode, another week of expert interviews. This time, I sit down with Nicole Bedera to talk about her research on sexual violence within universities.Spreaker
S3 E2 Cults, Caution and Comedy: Lisa VanArsdale on Experiencing Cults and Communities
Hello listeners and welcome back to Season 3 of the Cult Vault Podcast. In this episode, Kacey is joined by longtime friend of the show Lisa VanArsdale. Lisa diSpreaker
Season 3 Launch: What is Coercive Control?
As I return from my studies in the Psychology of Coercive Control MSc programme at the University of Salford, I'm looking forward to covering more content on thSpreaker
Ep. 324 Assemblies of God - Episode 155 Remastered Part 2
In this episode, I chat with Jordan about his childhood experiences being involved in the Assemblies of God, a sect of Pentecostalism, and how a constant stateSpreaker
Ep. 324 Assemblies of God - Episode 155 Remastered Part 1
In this episode, I chat with Jordan about his childhood experiences being involved in the Assemblies of God, a sect of Pentecostalism, and how a constant stateSpreaker
Ep. 323 My Life in the Children of God - Episode 154 Remastered Part 2
In this remastered episode I talk with author Mary Mahoney who details her experiences in The Children of God, talking us through the trials of her memoir. MarySpreaker
Ep. 323 My Life in the Children of God - Episode 154 Remastered
In this remastered episode I talk with author Mary Mahoney who details her experiences in The Children of God, talking us through the trials of her memoir. MarySpreaker
Ep. 322 LIVE AT CRIMECON! With Jon Atack - Episode 254 Remastered
Cast your ears back to the time I was given the chance to interview the legendary Jon Atack LIVE on stage at Crimecon UK. An experience I won't soon forget, andSpreaker
Ep. 321 Churches of Christ - Episode 158 Remastered Part 2
In this episode I speak with activist Evvie about their experiences in the Church of Christ. Evvie talks us through their activist work, parentification, and hoSpreaker
Ep. 321 Churches of Christ - Episode 158 Remastered
In this episode I speak with activist Evvie about their experiences in the Church of Christ. Evvie talks us through their activist work, parentification, and hoSpreaker
Ep. 320 Trapped in Treatment - The Troubled Teen Industry - Episode 156 Remastered
Remastered: Trapped In Treatment is a new docu-style podcast series from Paris Hilton & Warner Bros. Unscripted TV in Association With Telepictures, and iHeSpreaker
Ep. 319 ISKCON and other spiritual groups - Episode 150 Part 2 Remastered
In this remastered episode I chat with someone who has experienced The International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Michael gives a deep dive into many typeSpreaker
Ep. 319 ISKCON and other spiritual groups - Episode 150 Remastered
In this remastered episode I chat with someone who has experienced The International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Michael gives a deep dive into many typeSpreaker
Ep. 318 Dead, Insane or in Jail - Troubled Teen Industry. Episode 147 Remastered
In today's remastered episode, I have a special interview with author Zack Bonnie who has written 2 books about his time at CEDU and Rocky Mountain Academy. ZacSpreaker
Ep. 317 Ramtha's School of Enlightenment - A Daughter's Story Part 2 Episode 144 Remastered
In this remastered episode I chat at length with Alexandra who grew close to a family friend before deciding to follow him out of state and into the clasp of aSpreaker
Ep. 317 Ramtha's School of Enlightenment - A Daughter's Story Part 1 Episode 144 Remastered
In this remastered episode I chat at length with Alexandra who grew close to a family friend before deciding to follow him out of state and into the clasp of aSpreaker