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While Katy and I were out today, we overheard some guy talking about his men's networking group. One of the things he said was that they wanted diversity. All I could think was: "if you want diversity, why is it a men's networking group?"

Good music and noise canceling headphones: the only way to survive a Costco run with one's sanity intact.

I'm working on building a sushi bar in #LambdaMOO. Katy and I had the following conversation regarding the waitress I'm currently programming:

Katy: I'm surprised you didn't make her a robot.
Me: I thought about it, but a lot of the other shops are basically run by vending machines. I wanted to give mine a more human touch... though, right now she crashes when anyone talks to her. Humans don't do that.
Katy: Well, some do.
Me: Okay, fair point.

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Besides, everyone knows it's noodle bars that robots gravitate towards owning, sushi bars are always weird old guys.

Sitting in a waiting room in a medical imaging place and they have an ad for their app to get your results on a mobile device. Among other things, it reads:
"Permanently store them with bank level encryption" (emphasis theirs)

In my experience, if banks are their gold standard of #infosec, I really don't want my medical data anywhere near this system. Just sayin'.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I would agree. Banks are not good at security in my own experience.

No, you spent the past several hours figuring out how to make custom Animal Crossing outfits... NERD!

NullNoMore reshared this.

How two introverts celebrate New Year's Eve.

screwlisp reshared this.

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