R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd: reshared this.
Here's the funny thing about propaganda:
It gets started by someone (or a group of someones) with an agenda, but when it's effective, it gets swallowed and spread by well-meaning individuals who simply don't know any better. When this happens, it becomes even more effective, making it a vicious cycle.
Not everyone who spreads it is doing so for nefarious reasons (though many are).
for many years. I somewhat recently switched to tmux
. Both are solid options, though tmux
seems more popular.
Ep. 313 OneTaste Episode 126 Remastered
In this remastered episode I speak at length with Ruwan, an outspoken ex-member of the female-pleasure focused movement known as OneTaste. Ruwan talks us througSpreaker
Adam Hunt likes this.
Jon's Friendica Node Notices reshared this.
Ep. 312 Stone Mountain & Three Springs Troubled Teen Industry - Episode 132 Remastered
In this remastered episode I speak with Andrew who talks us through his experiences being pulled through the Troubled Teen Industry from the young age of 11 onwSpreaker
To those who argue "my VPN can't track me because I pay them in bitcoin":
You know they have your IP address, right?
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So, I was bemoaning the fact that finding chips in a DIP format is getting harder and harder because everything's moving to SMT. I don't hate SMT chips, but they make it rather difficult to play with them on a breadboard before using them in a project.
It just occurred to me that if I'm going to the trouble of designing a PCB in the first place, nothing stops me from sticking a single chip on a PCB with a bunch of pin headers to turn it into a quick and dirty "DIP chip" for experimenting with on a breadboard. I can even do this with a bunch of different chips on a single PCB that breaks out into multiple different units.
I'm sure I'm not the first person to have thought of this, but it was definitely an "aha" moment for me.
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Justin To #НетВойне reshared this.
I love it when the photo of a component and the schematic drawing on the data sheet disagree with each other.
(e.g.: digikey.ca/en/products/detail/…)
Guess I'll have to wait 'till I have the physical component in my possession to find out for sure.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe • • •8bitdo makes bluetooth receivers that plug into an nes controller port, been thinking about getting one of those.
And there are plenty of no name 3rd party nes controllers on websites like aliexpress
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Isaac Ji Kuo
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe • • •