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So, last I checked you could still buy PCB mountable sockets for them, bit does anyone know if anyone's still manufacturing NES-compatible controllers?
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

retrobit still sells an nes compatible controller, kind of a clone of the nes advantage.
8bitdo makes bluetooth receivers that plug into an nes controller port, been thinking about getting one of those.
And there are plenty of no name 3rd party nes controllers on websites like aliexpress
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Sure looks like it. A quick search comes up with cheap clones, as well as "new" designs like Hyperkin Cadet.

Say what you will about modern #AI chatbots, but we've given them the ability to suffer from Dunning-Kruger. That's something... right?

Here's the funny thing about propaganda:

It gets started by someone (or a group of someones) with an agenda, but when it's effective, it gets swallowed and spread by well-meaning individuals who simply don't know any better. When this happens, it becomes even more effective, making it a vicious cycle.

Not everyone who spreads it is doing so for nefarious reasons (though many are).

mh: ADHD

...and I've officially let myself run out of my ADHD meds.


How did I ever live before terminal multiplexing? Decided to work out on the balcony this morning, and then when the weather changed, was able to just hand off my various SSH sessions from my tablet to my laptop.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Which multiplexer do you use? I've been wanting to get better with that. I've played around with screen and tmux a bit, but need to get more fluent with the commands/shortcuts.
in reply to SP⟁CED GO⟁T

@Spacegoat I used screen for many years. I somewhat recently switched to tmux. Both are solid options, though tmux seems more popular.

Why am I suddenly getting fundraising emails purporting to be from

Encountered a hiccup during the daily backup of the server. Working on restoring. No data loss is expected.

Still having some stability issues. I've tweaked some settings on the database to try to alleviate the congestion.

System was down for a good chunk of the day because the main drive suddenly and unexpectedly became full. System is back up and running, but taking a while to resynchronize with the rest of the network.

Hopefully things should level out in a few hours.

electronics ramblings, profanity

Well shit.

I got the parts I ordered from DigiKey. I didn't realize how small they were. I've soldered SMT parts before, but I don't know if I have a steady enough hand to do these ones by hand. 🙁

Good thing I only ordered a few.

shower thought (dark)
What if the reason we've never seen a time traveler isn't because it's impossible, but because humanity is going to wipe itself out before anyone figures out how?
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

shower thought (less light alternative)

Sensitive content

electronics hobby ramblings

So, I was bemoaning the fact that finding chips in a DIP format is getting harder and harder because everything's moving to SMT. I don't hate SMT chips, but they make it rather difficult to play with them on a breadboard before using them in a project.

It just occurred to me that if I'm going to the trouble of designing a PCB in the first place, nothing stops me from sticking a single chip on a PCB with a bunch of pin headers to turn it into a quick and dirty "DIP chip" for experimenting with on a breadboard. I can even do this with a bunch of different chips on a single PCB that breaks out into multiple different units.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to have thought of this, but it was definitely an "aha" moment for me.

I love it when the photo of a component and the schematic drawing on the data sheet disagree with each other.


Guess I'll have to wait 'till I have the physical component in my possession to find out for sure.

It's been a while, but I just put a DigiKey order through. Gonna build a thing!

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