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question about ADHD vs. ASD

I've known I have #ADHD since I was first diagnosed in high school, but sometimes I wonder if perhaps I might be somewhere on the #autism spectrum as well. Let me explain a thing that's going on right now to illustrate what I mean.

I have a canvas messenger bag. I've had it for years and love it. I keep my whole life organized in this bag. Everything has a place and I know exactly where everything is. Recently, one of the snaps that holds it closed gave out. Within a couple of days the second one went as well, so the bag just falls open, which is fine if I keep it upright, but is kind of a pain in the ass.

The place I got it from essentially has a lifetime guarantee. I'm sure I can trade it in for another "equivalent" bag, but I'm sure they won't have this exact one since it's been several years since I bought it. This causes me an enormous amount of anxiety, because the new bag will be different, and I won't just instinctively know where all its contents are (because the configuration of the internal pockets will likely be at least a little different). It's not just the act of replacing the bag, but knowing that it'll mess me up for weeks afterward too.

I feel like this dilemma could possibly be explained by ADHD alone, but I kind of wonder...

Does this resonate with anyone in the #ActuallyAutistic crowd? I am of course not looking for a formal diagnosis or anything. It's more of a curiosity.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

question about ADHD vs. ASD

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in reply to Aaron Lord :csharp:

question about ADHD vs. ASD
@Aaron Lord :csharp: Yeah, it's about the sheer amount of stress it causes me. It goes beyond, "aw man, I really loved that bag" and into "everything is ruined forever" territory.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

100% resonance here! When I have a good bag, and I know where all my things are in it, it is very difficult to switch.

Are the snaps something that a skilled sewer could possibly replace?

You could still go look at the bag that you might replace it with, and if you didn't like it, you could try to find something you like. I know that takes a lot of spoons, though. All my best!

in reply to AriSunDog, Spooky Version!

Yes the strong attachment to something like that, and the anxiety that comes with might having to replace it both resonate.

If you want to look into autism a little more, you can try some of the self tests at

For the bag, check out if there is a repair cafe near you to see if the can help.

Or if you have a sewer or leatherworking friend, they might be able to replace the snaps.

in reply to Eric

@Eric @AriSunDog, Spooky Version! I know the local maker space I used to belong to frequently had them. Perhaps I'll look into that. It's worth a shot at least.
in reply to AriSunDog, Spooky Version!

@AriSunDog, Spooky Version! I imagine they'd be difficult to replace. It's a canvas bag, but the snaps are behind a thick leather backing that would probably need to be unstitched from the canvas first.

Honestly, if it could be repaired, I would 100% prefer that option, especially since apart from the snaps, the bag is in otherwise excellent condition. It's impressively well made.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

question about ADHD vs. ASD

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in reply to Karl Schultheisz

question about ADHD vs. ASD

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

question about ADHD vs. ASD

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in reply to Kevin Davy

question about ADHD vs. ASD

@Kevin Davy It does make some sense from an ADHD standpoint as well. I get protective of my routines for a very pragmatic reason. The more I can leave to muscle memory, the more mental bandwidth I have available to more important things, and the less likely I am to forget some other important thing as a result.

This seems to go beyond that though. It's produced a rather visceral reaction in me that I don't feel I can fully explain by this alone, and it's by no means an isolated incident.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

question about ADHD vs. ASD

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in reply to Kevin Davy

question about ADHD vs. ASD

@Kevin Davy So, I can't go into too much detail here because it's about a parent rather than myself, but something you just said there just made a thousand watt bulb go off in my head.

Now I just need to figure out what to do with that information.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

question about ADHD vs. ASD

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

question about ADHD vs. ASD

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

question about ADHD vs. ASD

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in reply to thepoliticalcat

question about ADHD vs. ASD
@thepoliticalcat It's funny because to my partner and her mother, my reaction is completely incomprehensible. I can't imagine not being bothered by it though.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

question about ADHD vs. ASD

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

re: question about ADHD vs. ASD

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in reply to Diligent Circle 丸

re: question about ADHD vs. ASD

@Diligent Circle 丸 Good to know. I was unaware of the other hashtag. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

As for how I identify, I guess my answer is... I don't really know. I have however learned a lot from the autistic community on the fedi, and am grateful for that regardless of my status.

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