I am in urgent job search mode, so I'm gonna throw this out here and see if anything comes of it.
I am a #Canadian, fluent in both #English and #French. I have experience with several programming languages. My strongest proficiency is with #Haskell and #C. I also have a reasonable grasp of #HTML, #JavaScript, #SQL, #Python, #Lua, #Linux system administration, #bash scripting, #Perl, #AWK, some #Lisp (common, scheme, and emacs), and probably several others I've forgotten to mention.
I am not necessarily looking for something in tech. I just need something stable. I have done everything from software development, to customer support, to factory work, though my current circumstances make in-person work more difficult than remote work. I have been regarded as a hard worker in every job I have ever held.
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I've been an #Emacs user for like 20 years because there was one thing I needed to do back then that was made easier by elisp, and I just got used to using it. In all that time, I hardly ever tinkered much with the config, save a few minor tweaks it was pretty much stock. I had no strong feelings about Emacs in general, it was just the text editor I'd grown comfortable with.
I've recently been diving into #Lisp and poking around with my Emacs config, and after all these years, I think I'm starting to get the appeal. I am still a proponent of "use the tool that works for you", but I'm personally firmly on team Emacs now.
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Julio Jimenez reshared this.
Everyone who confuses correlation and causation ends up dying...
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Welp, it's #FountainPen cleaning and re-inking day. #Today I re-learned why I don't use shimmer inks in my #TWSBI Diamond 580. In fact, I usually reserve them exclusively for dip pens.
Time to meticulously clean out a clogged feed. It didn't even make it a paragraph.
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I've got a love/hate with shimmers and TWSBIs.
What ink were you using?
Jonathan Lamothe likes this.
So, I've been taking another run at learning #CommonLisp. The last time I tried, I simply could not wrap my brain around macros. I'm reading the same book again, but this time am a more experienced programmer, and it all just clicked in my head.
I might actually end up enjoying #Lisp after all. I don't know if it'll dethrone #Haskell, but I'm starting to get why people like it.
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Don't start with macros. It doesn't make sense to until you really get the "vibes" of how it all goes together.
I've seen so much common lisp code out there that doesn't ever touch macros. They are super powerful, but you don't need them until you do.
Having Haskell down though, you are probably most of the way there.
@Karsten Johansson Tell that to the author of Practical Common Lisp.
That said, I get it now. It's so stupidly simple when it finally makes sense.
Also, yeah, learning Haskell in the interim helped a lot.
I like the book enough that I bought a physical copy of it.
Siebel (the author) said, back when Twitter was Twitter and everyone liked it just fine, that he was considering updating and adding a few chapters. afaik he hasn't, but it brought my hopes up quite a bit.
If you want truly complicated, check out the book Let Over Lambda. It is mind blowing, but you'll come away from it with a whole new level of understanding.
Jonathan Lamothe likes this.
I finally got around to setting up a gopher hole. There's nothing there yet, but hopefully soon there will be.
(Apologies to anyone with a screen reader. There will be an accessible version.)
Jonathan Lamothe likes this.
I recently got a #Sailor #Hokoro dip pen, and much to my chagrin have found that several of my #FountainPen inks do not work well in it. It's almost like the ink refuses to be picked up by the nib/feed.
Has anyone else encountered this? Is there a solution?
Edit: the paper also seems to be a factor
Penfount • Pen Community reshared this.
Jonathan Lamothe likes this.
As to the ink- some of my fountain pen inks absolutely refuse to work with my various dip pen nibs, while other ftn pen inks of mine work fine and coat/cling nicely.
Adding about 1/5 volume of Gum Arabic does work to adapt a small vial of ftn pen ink for dip pens, but then don't use that ink for your ftn pens. The gum-treated inks tend to dry a bit shiny and make shimmer inks less shimmery... something to keep in mind. There are dip pen-specific inks for sale, of course.
For black waterproof ink that works really well right out of the bottle in both ftn pens and dip pens, I like my De Atramentis 'Archive' black ink. It's luxurious! That ink can also be used for drawing and then watercoloring over when dry, btw.
Jonathan Lamothe likes this.
It will soon be Autism awareness month, that wonderful time of the year when many autistics hit their foxholes screaming "incoming", or take to their bunkers and hide.
"But why?" I hear you ask. "Surely awareness is a good thing?"
Well, obviously yes, normally, but mostly, actually, no. Not in the way this normally pans out, anyway. Because this is the time of year when everything starts getting lit up blue and puzzle pieces start making their appearance and Autism Speaks articles rear their ugly, eugenic, heads. No matter how many times the vast bulk of the autism community explain that these symbols and the organisation that they are linked to, do not bloody speak for us and never sodding will.
Pity-me mothers parade their kids to showcase how terrible their lives are, or how there isn't enough help for their darling children. Which, whilst admittedly this is true for the kids, could be highlighted in better ways. Various celebrities and sports stars come out about the wonders of being diagnosed with autism and the huge change it has made in their pampered lives and puff pieces pop up everywhere about how someone succeeded because of their autistic superpower, or how they wouldn't be where they were now without it, or how someone's a hero, for standing up for their autistic friend. And editors across the land, slap themselves on their backs for such a wonderful job of awareness and here's to the next year and then silence once again falls.
OK, I may be slightly exaggerating this, but unfortunately not by as much as you might be thinking. So many times, even within the good articles and representation, there is the implicit message that only an official diagnosis can do this for you, which is a real kick in the teeth for everyone who has as much chance of getting one of those, as of winning the lottery. That this is something that is seen in us, rather than something that we can see ourselves. And all too often, even with the good stuff, it's always accompanied by the stock, what is autism? answers, from the internet. You know, the ones that just dryly quote the highlights of our disorder, in a way that none of us can actually recognise ourselves in and certainly don't help with others seeing us.
And this is the real problem with awareness month. It's all fine and dandy trying to increase awareness. But of what? Is it the problems and struggles, the difficulty of having autistic children, or being autistic in a world without support? The virtues of finally having your eyes opened to your autistic superpower? Of how the community and others could finally rally around you.
Or is it the different stories that finally allow others to see us, or even for us to finally see ourselves after decades in the dark. That allow the friend or neighbour, or workmate to maybe stop seeing you as the weird, or creepy, or even scary, person. But instead, someone who's just different, who sees and perhaps understands the world in a way that they don't. Not superpowered, or a burden, or broken in any way. Just yourself, just autistic. The stories that lead to acceptance and not just awareness.
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Okay, this book got real weird real fast. I have so many questions, but I guess I'll just have to keep reading.
(comment on HEX)
Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.
Shannon Prickett reshared this.
Just grabbed a recipe off of gopher. It was amazing. No dodging ads. No popups. No cookie settings. Just the recipe I wanted.
This only served to reinforce for me what trash the modern web is.
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"Invalid" Links
Whenever I see a post with an "invalid" (e.g.: gemini, gopher) link, there doesn't appear to be a way to see what the original link was short of hopping over to the post on the originating server. Is there some way I can get this information from my local server? Being able to copy it to clipboard so I can open it with an appropriate client would be nice.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
@Rainer "friendica" Sokoll I'm told Dillo does(?)
That said, I'd like to be able to at least copy the link to put it somewhere useful.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Ah, I see. Yes, that is not optimal.
next test:
@beerw0lf @juliancday
This one works too:
But Kennedy is a good choice and comes with some useful tools.
Jonathan Lamothe likes this.
gemini://auragem.ddns.net/search/ is another one.
I prefer kennedy when it works, but it had its share of downtimes recently
Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.
We made burgers for dinner last night. Now the whole apartment still smells like burgers.
I suppose there are worse things it could smell like.
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Shannon Prickett reshared this.
Jonathan Lamothe likes this.
Me: fumbles with phone
Phone: did you mean to pull down the notification shade?
Me: NOOOO!!!
Phone: Here are all of your notifications for you to peruse while listening to your ringtone becoming increasingly frantic!
Me: No, no, no! Just let me answer the phone!!!
<swipes up frantically>
Phone: Yes, sir, I will let you scroll up to view more notifications! I know you certainly were not trying to dismiss the notification shade, considering how important that is at a time like this.
Me: NOOoOooOOooo!! Get away, let me answer the call! Ahhhhh!!!!
Jonathan Lamothe likes this.
Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.
In 2019, Iceland Approved the 4-Day Workweek: Nearly 6 Years Later, All Predictions by Generation Z Have Come True
In 2019, Iceland made headlines by becoming one of the first countries to officially approve a four-day workweek. But rather than passing a blanket law,Sarah Jensen (WECB)
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My partner wants to share a sewing pattern on the internet somewhere. She's not trying to sell it, just have it in a place where people can get it. Is there a thingiverse/printables type place for sewing stuff (that is also free to post things on, and is also not "run your own website")?
things that are not this:
- freesewing.org (neat, but does not appear to be a place intended for people to upload their own things)
- artisans.coop, etsy, other similar sites (these are storefronts, she literally just wants to share a file, the same thing 3d printing people do with thingiverse)
- a git forge (I... guess you *could* do that? is that a thing people do in practice?)
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Shout-out to @artcollisions and @bammerlaan for both pitching @freesewing much appreciated 😊
Seems like @emily is looking for a place to dump a PDF or something. That's not what FreeSewing does (my life would be so much easier if it was 😂 ) .
Emily, if your partner ever wants to get into parametric design, refer them to our contributor docs: freesewing.dev/
FreeSewing documentation for developers and contributors | FreeSewing
FreeSewing is an open source Javascript library for parametric sewing patternsfreesewing.dev
It's that time again: time to clean my #BaystateBlue #FountainPen. How many times do you think I'll have to run it through the ultrasonic 'till the water stops turning blue?
Time will tell.
Penfount • Pen Community reshared this.
A reminder due to recent history erasures…
Grace Hopper has a posse.
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Learning to sew was decidedly one of the best investments of my time in recent memory. I was just able to mend a jacket that I really love. It's perhaps not the neatest stitching job ever, but it's pretty secure again and not in a paricularly visible spot.
The cost? A little bit of thread and about a half hour of my time, versus buying a whole new jacket that I probably wouldn't like as much. I'll take that deal any day.
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The Woman In Black - BookWyrm
The Woman in Black is a 1983 gothic horror novel written by Susan Hill. The plot concerns a mysterious spectre that haunts a small English town.bookwyrm.social
Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.
For some reason I can't SSH from my laptop to my #Gitea server via its public interface. It just keeps timing out. It's only the laptop having this issue; my tablet and phone are doing this just fine. I was finally able to push my commits by sending them directly over the LAN instead. I've tried resetting the VPN on the laptop, but it's still not working normally.
I am officially confused.
Edit: Mystery solved. I forgot to pay my VPN provider... again.
Kevin Davy reshared this.
I recently upgraded to the latest version of Friendica (I hadn't noticed there was an update until yesterday) and now when I see a post on my timeline from one of the less popular services (e.g.: BookWyrm) there is no longer an icon in the corner of the post linking me back to the source. There used to at least be an icon for the protocol with a link back to the source post. Is there no way to find this now?
Edit: The problem turned out to be that some of the icons weren't visible against my theme's black background.
Edit 2: Changing the theme and then changing it back fixed the problem for some reason.
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Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
Friendica Support reshared this.
The Woman In Black - BookWyrm
The Woman in Black is a 1983 gothic horror novel written by Susan Hill. The plot concerns a mysterious spectre that haunts a small English town.bookwyrm.social
Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.
Silent Companions - BookWyrm
"When newly widowed Elsie is sent to see out her pregnancy at her late husband's crumbling country estate, The Bridge, what greets her is far from the life of wealth and privilege she was expecting.bookwyrm.social
Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.
Jonathan Lamothe
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