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Shannon Prickett reshared this.

Dear @Benny,

We have provided you with many cat toys that you may play with any time you like.

My razor is not one of them.

This entry was edited (17 hours ago)

Shannon Prickett reshared this.

Woo hoo!

I jusy fixed a seam that was going in one of the pairs of sweatpants I wear for bumming around the apartment.

Was it a neatly done fix? No.

Will anyone ever see it though? Also no.

Hoping to keep working on stupid little stuff like this with the sewing machine to build up my confidence/skill to be able to tackle stuff that actually matters if it's done well.

This entry was edited (18 hours ago)

Why do people obfuscate hashtags? I think they've missed the point of a hashtag...

Been looking for an alternative to Google Maps. Organic Maps (OpenStreetMap) is great, but it doesn't know the bus routes in my city.

I remembered that the GRT (local transit) website had a trip planner that I used to use in the pre-Google days. Decided to give that a go again.

Turns out they're just using Google Maps now. Understandable, but disappointing.

in reply to Brian Sullivan

@Brian Sullivan I'll have to have a look at that. I wonder of my city is big enough to make the cut.

Edit: They seem to think I live in Toronto (which is news to me) but they do seem to have the local transit routes.

This entry was edited (1 day ago)
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

The Transit app is good, and while closed source is Canadian.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

If you’re in #Ontario make sure you register to vote or you won’t get your voters card in the mail apparently.

F*ck off Doug Ford.

Edit: Multiple areas of the elections ON website say registered voters need to confirm to get their ballot. Unsure if it’s legit or if it’s poor marketing materials. I know it’s not Fords fault exactly, but I’m choosing to blame him. He called this snap election lol.

Edit 2: thanks to @CStamp we now know it’s poor marketing.


This entry was edited (22 hours ago)
in reply to erin (she/her)

I emailed elections Ontario for clarification, received this response: Thank you for contacting Elections Ontario.

You do not have to be registered to vote. If you’re registered to vote, you’ll receive a voter information card in the mail with information about when & where to vote.

The β€˜confirm’ option is to check if you are already on the Register.

If you are not registered to vote. You must bring one piece of ID showing both your name & home address to register & receive a ballot.

in reply to Carolyn

@CStamp that’s good news. I’m assuming that the speed of the snap election has caused some errors in marketing and written material.

Penfount • Pen Community reshared this.

I have never before in my life touched a sewing machine, but now that I have one, I decided that the first thing I'd try to make was a pen roll for my #FountainPens (one of them is a ballpoint, but we don't talk about that). There are definitely some things I'd do differently the second time around, but I freaking love this machine!

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I have acquired what I believe to be a high-quality hand-me-down sewing machine from my mother-in-law. Now, apart from thread and fabric I only need to have one more thing...

...any idea whatsoever how to use it.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Any how to use can always be found on you tube. Have fun!
This entry was edited (3 days ago)
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

It’s really not hard to get started. Something on it makes something spin. You do that a bunch of times or hold a switch so a motor does

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

β€œWe just launched a 16TB archive of every dataset that has been available on since November. This will be updated day by day as new datasets appear. It can be freely copied, and we're sharing the code behind it to help others make their own archives of data they depend on.” Harvard Library Innovation Lab (via BlueSky)……


I made a thing that makes working with #CSV files in #AWK easier. It's a quick and dirty hack, but maybe it'll be useful to someone else.…

#awk #CSV
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Also, do lists in #Python seriously not have a .map function?

Edit: Ohhh... I expected it to be a method on the list object itself.

This entry was edited (5 days ago)

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in reply to Jonathan Lamothe…
in reply to Darcy Casselman

(I'm not claiming this is awesome, but it's basically the thing...)
in reply to Darcy Casselman

@flyingsquirrel Yup. And there's a multiprocessing version which can be useful if you're doing a very large csv but you probably want imap() for that one.…

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

If you're looking for a function that applies another function to each element of a list and aggregates the results, it'd typically be done with a list comprehension:

[your_function(item) for item in your_list]

But you can also use list(map(your_function, your_list)) if you want. Basically, it's a built-in function rather than a method of the list class.

There's also a whole discussion to be had about lists vs generators and why you often wouldn't even need to make a list in the first place, but I won't get into that unless you want to know more.


in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

the logic being that `map()` take any iterable, jot only lists, but sets, dicts, and anything that complies with the iterable protocol. I'm not saying you have to _like_ it. See also `str.join()`.
in reply to Marcos Dione

@Marcos Dione Yeah, in hindsight, that makes sense. I'm usually a Haskell programmer, not a Python programmer, so I don't usually have to deal with the question of whether a function is on an object or not.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I understand. I get similar issues when I jump to other languages. The ones I had more impedance has been golang for certain decisions and rust because of the "harsh" syntax and verboseness.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

I use

git checkout -

all the time for switching back and forth between two branches. Mind blown now that I know you can also do:

git merge -

to merge your previous branch into the current branch.



Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

New Study Finds 90% of Cat Owners Experience oofjfjjggigiiiiifohhhjjfjfjjjjj)))))))))))))):…

Jonathan Lamothe reshared this.

LB I do not understand at all how people are arguing this is GTS behaving badly and not scrapers like...

FediDB: how many users do you have
GTS: I'm not telling you don't crawl my page
FediDB: I'm going to do it anyway how many users do you have
GTS: Fifty billion
FediDB: okay thanks
FediDB: hey wait you lied to me!!!

Like idk sounds to me like you should have walked away at "don't crawl my page" and if you get the wrong numbers after that that's on you

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