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religion: Mormonism

Reading through the "Light and Truth Letter" a totally-not-written-by-the-church response to the infamous CES Letter that's been plaguing Mormonism for years now.

It's amazing* how they seem to have managed to not seriously engage with a single one of the issues I have with the church.

#ExMormon #NotACult #CESLetter

* not really

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

religion: Mormonism
It's also interesting how they try to point out these logical falacies that some critics of the church do use, and then repeatedly use every single one of them without any sense of self-awareness whatsoever.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

religion: Mormonism, mention of sexual abuse

Wow, I finally got to my "shelf breaker" item: the way the church handles reports of sexual abuse. They actually have the audacity to list "the helpline"* as something that makes people safer.

This is some real Ministry of Truth shit.


* You know, the helpline that has instructed these untrained bishops to not report to the authorities and then move to sweep them under the rug.

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Jonathan Lamothe
religion: Mormonism
@Katrina Katrinka :donor: Yeah... Dehlin is a bit problematic. He does make for a convenient ad-hominem target though.

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