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in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard @vascorsd This is almost enough to make me consider switching to BSD.

Distro hopping is enough of a pain in the ass.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@Jonathan Lamothe @vascorsd Imagine you had an older computer without secure boot! Imagine a device you need to flash a kernel to! Imagine you wanted to put a custom kernel on a device! Guess what! No distro will work now because they're all run by systemd people.
in reply to silverwizard

When changing your kernel's log level is outlawed... only criminals will change their kernel's log level?
in reply to silverwizard

Sometimes, systemd adds features, which are not embraced uniformly across the entire Linux distro ecosystems. Hopefully this is one of them...

ALSO luckily there are a few non systemd linux distros still hopping.

in reply to trashHeap

@trashHeap @vascorsd Yeah, and yeah. I am very glad I switched to OpenBSD as my daily driver before this all kicked off. But Linux is still valuable in a bunch of places and .... gaaaaaaaah

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