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I hate it when I make an official release of a program with an ugly snippet of code that I can't figure out how to write more cleanly, only to come up with a solution 10 minutes after pushing the release. I just make the change in the dev branch so it gets incorporated into the next version.

In my defense, the thing I was overlooking was that #Haskell's Maybe type is an instance of Foldable. It's not the kind of data type that exactly screams Foldable, is it?

Side note: I should use Hoogle's search by type signature feature more frequently. I needed a function that looked like this: Monad m => (a -> m ()) -> Maybe a -> m (), which is literally just mapM_.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Hah. In a similar situation, I knew I wanted whenJust (which is provided by various libraries on hackage), but in the end, I realized I could just use for_ from base. It's amazing how many functions are just traverse (or traverse_).
in reply to Oriel Jutty

@Kalamata Hari Yeah, any time I end up writing a case statement on a Maybe or Either and one of the branches is -> return (), I die a little inside, because I know there's probably a better way that I'm just not seeing.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

When in doubt, always check to see if `traverse` matches the function you need. It's odd how often `traverse` (or some variant, like `mapM` or `traverse_`) is what you want.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

That's kinda like forgetting that `for` / `foreach` loops exist. But, ya know, it happens. 😀
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I like that hlint + hls can go ahead an apply the transform for you a lot of time.

I do which it provided a code action for ignore (just) this hint for (just) this definition, tho.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I don't use emacs, but it works well in Neovim and VS Codium. I've heard it's better in emacs than in vim, but haven't verified that.

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