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"the internet is a resilient network"

the internet when one cdn goes down:

in reply to rolltime

That's fucking crazy, I get why CDNs exist but why do so many large corpoations use them, such an odd thing.
in reply to OrbitalMartian

@orbitalmartian CDNs exist because megabytes of javascript and super duper HD images and scrolling video backgrounds.
in reply to F4GRX Sébastien

I know that but why can't each large corporations host their own... They have the infrastructure majority of the time. That's the bit that amazes me.

I mean they could always go back to the good ol' days of plain text HTML.

in reply to OrbitalMartian

@orbitalmartian @f4grx I think big business needs big buzzwords, so you can't have a website that doesn't use all the latest and greatest JavaScript frameworks, databases and stuff. If you don't have more microservices than users, then you're not doing real work there 😁
in reply to rolltime

CDNs should be forbidden. If a site is slow, thats because the site has too much shit on it. throwing more hardware at it does not fix the problem, quite the contrary in fact.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to F4GRX Sébastien

It's that picture where they build more highway lanes to reduce traffic only only for it to get all clogged up by more traffic again
in reply to FoolishOwl

Thanks! I never knew there was a name for it

If you build it, they will come...

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to rolltime

internet resilience and internet security and internet privacy are all a myth.
in reply to rolltime

@rolltime Say what you will about the laptop in a closet I'm using as a server, but when something like this happens, it just keeps chugging along.

Ignore the fact that it was down for four days because I had to buy a replacement machine.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@me that's like, 2 nines of availability. Get yourself another machine and you'll get 4 nines! And if you add just one more machine, you could host some critical infrastructure in those bad boys

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