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tiddy roosevelt
@neil Fortunately for him I mostly use earphones, and the sounds are made through software not the keyboard itself. I suspect he'll actually quite like it since it's got yellow switches in and I actually don't mind them. I don't see myself going to the hassle of swapping them out unless I get very very bored, so it'll be a lot quieter for him
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

TIL that a phalanx of cute yellow duckies lit from below is terrifying.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

Ok serious question: how do the keycaps feel? I can't imagine them being all that comfy!
in reply to Matt Cengia

@mattcen It's actually not as bad as you'd think, just different. The roundness of the heads does feel a lot more abrupt and typing takes a little more precision, but it's a lot easier than I was anticipating
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

Is there an fn-up/down to change the quacks per key? like high/low across the keyboard, randomized, all the same, etc?
in reply to Pomax

It's set through software rather than the keyboard itself. There's no way to change the pitch unfortunately
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

Think my wife might just rethink her commitment (32 years) if I put one of those on the computer. Don't think it would be too popular for the church computer ( back of room, next to sound mixer, used for song lyrics display) either...
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

oh my word, look at what you've started: my son saw this and said he wanted one......I said "No chance!!!!"

Cool project though, you should record an episode about it for HPR (@hpr)

Unknown parent

tiddy roosevelt

@neil @dequbed I did get a free fidget keyring duck that quacks I would be very happy to provide

tiddy roosevelt

Unknown parent

Neil Brown

Dear nadja

No you sodding well will not.

Yours with the utmost respect,


Unknown parent

@neil Don't worry, we'll make sure your spouse gets one of those keyboards to torment you with then :blobcatfingerguns:
Unknown parent

Neil Brown
You are as bad as each other.
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

shud up and take my money (well… not that I have any, do you take credit cards?🙈🙈🙈)
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

probably something in Python. Judging by amount of duck typing.
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

<learns how to slow down a video sufficiently with ffmpeg> Watching it half a dozen times... Yep, now I do...

... and I should've known better. :rickroll:

in reply to tiddy roosevelt

bit off topic: your finger tats are extremely cool (like, making me consider getting something similar). Is there any particular story / meaning / symbolism to them, or are they purely aesthetic?
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

this was inevitable. And it's as horrifying as I imagined. So glad there is a marginal sea between me and this madness :blobcat_not_like_googly:
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

After the first duckie went on I knew this would happen eventually. Destiny
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

why stop at having your ducks in a row, when you can have them in a grid?

next up, having your ducks in a 3-dimentional matrix...

in reply to tiddy roosevelt

I saw when you had the escape duck, and for some reason it didn’t occur to me that you would do the whole keyboard. Now that I’ve seen it, I understand completely why it was inevitable. It is perfection 👌
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

It wasn't until the third time through that I saw it. You are history's greatest monster. Well done.
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

I laughed so hard I teared up! Thank you and are those for sale? I see such great gag gift potential! 😂
in reply to Brett Elliff

@gatewayy It would be expensive for a gag gift, even with some of the hefty discounts they throw around, but they're available on
Unknown parent

in reply to tiddy roosevelt

😂 You actually did it! ❤️ this is what the internet is for!
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

I knew before it started playing that I would be SO DISAPPOINTED if the keys didn't quack 😂😂😂
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

so right! and so wrong..

am reminded of 1995 and having little footprints walking all over my screen, which was funny for 10 minutes...

in reply to tiddy roosevelt

When I was a kid we had these orange rubber covers for keyboards so we would learn typing, but I feel this would have made a lot more sense.
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

This seems like the kind of keyboard (if it had internal sound effects) that I would buy if told to start working in an office again. If I have to suffer, so does everyone else.
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

Dog keyboard for the DogsOfMastodon and cat keyboard for the CatsOfMastodon


in reply to tiddy roosevelt

Tell me you'll post that on Deskthority, Rate My Battlestation and co. And do collabs with the mechanical/boutique/hipster keyboard reviewer youtubers...
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

I thought your partner didn't like the Model M noise, this is certain to drive them crazy :psyduck:

(I am loving this so much)

in reply to tiddy roosevelt

duck typing lvl 100... Je me demande combien de temps ça pourrait tenir en openspace.
in reply to kimothy siddon

@kim I was mentioning to some IRC people I was getting a duck keyboard and one guy was convinced I was meaning ducky

"No, like.. ducks."

He did not understand the sheer vision

in reply to internet relay cat

i need to be more active on irc tbqh. i have a bouncer setup 'n all but haven't logged in for a while. where do the cool kids hangout these days
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

I never asked myself the question "Can a mechanical keyboard be more noisy and annoying?", but you provided me the answer anyway.
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

do the duck keys actually feel comfortable at all? the sound effect is definitely worth it lol
in reply to Andrew Graves :arch: :linux:

@graves501 It's very different, but not uncomfortable. It takes more precision to type on though, without a doubt, since the part of the key you hit is so much smaller
in reply to tiddy roosevelt

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