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I've been an #Emacs user for a long time because it's just what I got used to. I had no particular loyalty to it.

The more I dig into org-mode though, the more I see it as its killer feature though. This alone is enough to keep me from ever switching to another editor.

Please note: if you like another editor better, that's perfectly fine. Use what works for you. For the love of God, I'm not trying to spark an Emacs vs. vim flame war.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

With all the features I've found, there are some that are perhaps absent (e.g.: recurring appointments/to-do items). I don't think this can be achieved with a plain text file alone, but perhaps if I re-learn some elisp, I can kludge something together...

screwlisp reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

google about the habits feature, maybe it will fit your usecase here
in reply to Vladimir

I see org-recur in #melpa (the community package source). I haven't used it though (any #emacs #orgmode #orgRecur users?). You could also look at the mode's elisp to see what they did after installing it.

screwlisp reshared this.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Org Mode does have "repeated tasks":…

They're just tasks which reschedule themselves when you mark them DONE. I find they're good for things that I have to do on a regular cadence, although the shortest repeater that I use is monthly.

In the worst case, it probably wouldn't be too hard to write a function to duplicate a given node and hook it into org-after-todo-state-change-hook.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

org-mode is too slow for me. I load it up like "I have to wait 20 seconds for a file to load? For this?" It's 2024 ffs
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I keep not-quite fully embracing org-mode because I spend too much time outside of Emacs (e.g. on mobile devices). I probably just need to work out some scripting to dump into an inbox queue.

Plus work being absolutely inflexible about not letting work sync to anything else, though it helps enforce life boundaries. πŸ˜€

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