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anyone else doing this?

ok idfk where to post this. but uh. i guess here its good because floppies are pretty much only used for retro tech these days??? anyways WHY IS THIS SO SATISFYING...
in reply to dosuser123456

also uhhhhh dont ask why tf a 14 year old has floppies at home

edit: if anyone wonders why the camera is so shaky, turns out its quite hard to hold a camera with your legs so that the thing you wanna record is always in the vid while youre moving your hands a lot in it

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to dosuser123456

Old tech was built to satisfy. You could also open and close the write protect tab, or use a pencil to rotate the disk itself.
in reply to uservoid1

oh man yes that too (i usually use my fingers to rotate it tho since my nails are kinda long tho, but same thing)

seriously the 3,5 inch floppies are too satisfying to fidget with

so is opening and closing the cd tray for some reason

in reply to dosuser123456

Work at a retirement place. We get performers through on occasion.

Saw a dude with catalogue of floppies. Dude claimed he got burnt by a usb on occasion so he went back to floppies. I was enraptured.

He reeked of cigarettes and was still a road performer in his 60s

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

There seems to be still plenty of refurbs and "new old stock" on the market.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

i dont buy em i just get em off the old floppy box in the basement (theres some wing commander disks in there i used to grab to play the game on the homebox back when it was a 2001 tower and not a 2020 laptop)
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

In Japan, convenience stores sold packs of blank floppy diskettes up until around 2015.

Also remember seeing VHS, Hi-8, audio cassette, DAT, mini-DV, MiniDisc… You can still buy a short spindle of CD-Rs and individual DVD+Rs.

in reply to TwoBeeSan

What does a 60-something retirement home road performer store on floppy disks, exactly
in reply to protist

His queued mixes i believe.

He would be doing vocals/guitar and play the song without whatever he was going to do via his board

Could be wrong but only conclusion could draw from his bizarre setup

in reply to TwoBeeSan

Always ods to see patients using better tech then the carers?
in reply to TwoBeeSan

its all fun an games until someone needs to reset their pacemaker!

those pacemaker reset magnets are cool!

in reply to dosuser123456

I did this at school a lot, where we had to use these to store our files created during class. But I preferred to slide one finger over what is the top edge in the OP, because there is a small gap where you can catch the slide. I found this much more satisfying.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to dosuser123456

ive done this a lot, but also spent so much time in my life dealing with corruption on floppies that i have to cringe a bit inside as well

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