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Millenials having "little to no loyalty in the workplace" is a sign of *progress*, not concern, you fucking deliberately obtuse coercive capitalist fucks.

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in reply to Hannu Ikonen, MD

As a Gen X, I am rather free to tell Millennials and Zoomers about how often I have been fired for business reasons that have zero connection to my personal performance. Six, if you also include the constructive dismissals when they just stopped paying me by not authorizing any valid charge codes for the time sheets I had to fill out as a salaried exempt employee. The smarter ones get it.

Be mercenary as fuck. They bought this behavior.

in reply to Log 🪵

@log The shock and horror some corporate drones show when you ask:
"And what are your guarantees of loyalty to me?"
or "How is this like a family?"

Corporates repeat words they don't understand and wouldn't like if they did.

in reply to Hannu Ikonen, MD

"I have no loyalty to this meat grinder you are trying to put me through"

Mother Bones reshared this.

in reply to Hannu Ikonen, MD

LOLOLOLOL just remembering my early jobs. loyalty?!? from the people who deploy "right to work" and "at-will employment" and anti-union training videos!! give me a GD break!!
in reply to Tom Harrington

@atomicbird @jwilker I once worked as an “independent contractor” for a company that was bought by another in the same industry. We were told that in three weeks we would have to either find a new job or move from NYC to an office park in a suburb of Madison Wisconsin*.
They then had the gall to hold a lunch meeting to chide us for our lack of morale.

*there’s nothing’s wrong with Madison, Wisconsin. But there’s no way I was going to uproot my family for a job that couldn’t even correctly classify me as an employee. And on 3 weeks notice. They fired me and I fucked off to a competitor.

in reply to Tom Harrington

@atomicbird @jwilker Damn right. I had a boss who told all the staff she was looking forward to the day she could replace us with robots. Then she could program them to do exactly what she wanted and not have to deal with people that had their own ideas about how to do things. She sacked me eventually because I kept having opinions.
in reply to Hannu Ikonen, MD

Sometimes I think Boomers just wanted to use satire to point out how much working 9-5 sucked, not actually try to break free from it at all. They seem so offended we want alternatives.
in reply to Hannu Ikonen, MD

I learned the hard way that loyalty to a job is not repaid in kind. Why bother with it?
in reply to Alanna

"You can love the Army all you want, it ain't necessarily gonna love you back," applies to a WHOLE lot of organizations.

Mother Bones reshared this.

in reply to Mother Bones

@_L1vY_ @kelpana Never heard "necessarily" in that before. The caveat fits in the former case, too.

Mother Bones reshared this.

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