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Me: learns proper cleaning technique for #fountainpen
Also me: Googles "Dr. Ph. Martin's Bombay Inks good for Fountain Pens?"
Google: -unclear gobbledygook-
Me: buys ink; puts into converter -- man, my pen is... groggy-like... like it's clogged or...
Me: Googles "India ink in fountain pens..."

So... I've cleaned my pen twice today in the span of 30 minutes. Fortunately, the India ink was in it for less time than that... The nib is now dyed purple in parts... and Lamy Safaris cost money I don't have right now... Keep your fingers crossed for me guys...

in reply to snaffoops

@snaffoops Sending good vibes.

Also, I had one LAMY Safari that I thought I'd destroyed by letting the infamous Baystate Blue dry out in it. Disassembling, cleaning, and letting it soak for a week in distilled water went a long ways toward rehabilitating it. It's still not perfect, but it's usable again.

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