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Sound smart by saying "approximately" any time you'd otherwise say "like."
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

that's approximately so approximately weird, approximately wow, how could you approximately say such a thing
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

it doesn't necessarily work for how "like" is used in some Scottish dialects, for example "he was pure raging, like"

Is like even a word

What is that?? "Like"???

They've played us for fools.

Language is not real.

Millions deceived.

in reply to Robin (self-care arc)

@reb We've come full circle. "ly" At the end of adverbs and adjectives was originally the old English form of "like." So slow-like, burl-like, plain-like, etc became slowly, burly, and plainly.
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

this has destroyed my sense of objective reality, this is all just far too silly.

Weebly wobbly woo

in reply to Robin (self-care arc)

@reb Don't get me started on the suffix "-ard" (one who does or is a thing) and how we've bet recently reinvented it, only now it's "-ass."

(Wizard = wiseass)

in reply to Robin (self-care arc)

@reb lol it doesn't go that direction.

The buzz in buzzard apparently goes back to Latin, but probably they used the -ard to show disdain.…

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

@theynege how old is gen alpha because my 14 year old cousin thinks he's too cool for school but he's actually just 14
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

@theynege he expressed confusion as to why his older brother "likes nerd stuff but people like him anyway"
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

@theynege he's been raised by my uncle as a single dad, and my uncle is, to be slightly unkind, is a bit of a shithead. I don't think he's representative of the whole generation. I hope not anyway.

Don't get me wrong, I like my uncle, but he warned me today "there's a woke army waiting to pounce"

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

@theynege I think fundamentally he means well, he just suffers from small town ignorance. Most of what he knows of the wider world has been fed to him through facebook.

There is, yes, definitely a reason I don't ever talk to him if I can help it

in reply to Robin (self-care arc)

@reb @theynege I've recently been learning to tell the difference between small town nonwillful ignorance (which I'm very forgiving of) and authoritarianism as a value (even if unconscious). My recent reassessment of my own mother calibrated my spidy-senses to a hair trigger. It's a spectrum.

But I don't know your uncle, and I don't want to presume too much. Leaning in to bad-talk nerds (of all people, in 2024) is the red flag for me.

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

@theynege oh the bad talking of nerds was my cousin

My uncles take on nerds is that it's a good way to get rich, which is a different kind of... uhhhh

in reply to Robin (self-care arc)

@reb @theynege oh! Haha ok. Well, tbf 30 years ago, tech nerdery had very good chances for honest upward mobility. I think that's gotten... different.
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

@theynege who knows. Adjusted for inflation my income is higher than my dad's at my age, he was an electronics engineer with a degree (later a service engineer for industrial machinery) and is currently higher than my mum's and she's a manager. So there's obviously some level of mobility still, and I'm definitely not doing anything unethical
in reply to Robin (self-care arc)

@reb That's good to hear. I've been out of the industry 15 years, but I knew plenty of self-made millionaires (or close) in the geek community back then. I've gotten the idea it's harder to be in the right place and time, less low-hanging fruit, more exploitation.
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

I don't know if I'll ever be a millionaire, I'm certainly a ways off right now, and it's not really my goal. I think I could do it pretty quickly and easily if I actually wanted it, but I just want a pleasant life you know? My bank account seems to be porous, cash never hangs around. On some level I do find it very funny that I make a decent living yet still often find myself significantly short of being able to order a curry. (I do have savings, tho)
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

the way I see it, I'm actually happier than the millionaires I know (I don't know that many, but still more than I'd really expect given the way I often see myself) so I've actually Won The Game

(Until the bipolar does the Big Sad thing)

in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

something that blew my mind recently is that Liam seems to be related to William somehow
in reply to Mx. Luna Corbden

@reb And I find it interesting that our generations have invented a needed indicator of not being 100% certain or accurate about anything, to reflect a relatively new societal value of authenticity.

I'm not going to commit to being happy, but I'm "like" happy, ya know?

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