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Someone needs to explain to my cat that rubbing up against my legs and tripping me as I'm trying to walk to the kitchen to feed him actually delays the process of him getting fed.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Broadcast notification to all felines: Your human pets do appreciate leg rubbies of all kinds, but they are too risky when the human is descending stairs! Please desist.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

30 years ago I trained my friends cats that hassling me at feeding time made the job take longer.. by putting everything away as soon as they came jumping on the tops or trying to trip me up.. It only took like 3 days until the three of them sat at the line between the carpet and the kitchen floor waiting patiently to be told they could go eat.. I even taught them to voluntarily jump over my arm on the way to food.. Cats are pretty easy because they are mostly clever creatures.

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