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Giving qutebrowser another go as my default browser.

Now I just have to remember how in the hell to use it.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I've been using Qutebrowser for a few years now and I'll agree it takes a while to get used to being a keyboard orientated browser. But now I struggle if I use other browsers for work as I keep trying to use key binds for navigation that obviously don't work. I do love QB though. If you need any config help feel free to take a look at the dotfiles in my git repo.
in reply to Justine Smithies

@Justine Smithies Thanks. I'll let you know if I run into issues. I've used it before and liked it.

I switched to a Forefox-based browser (LibreWolf) a while ago because Google, but with the all the Mozilla nonsense going on lately, it doesn't really seem to matter any more.

I may as well use the browser I most enjoy using at this point.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Hit my first snag: Nextcloud whines at me that my browser is "unsupported". I clicked on "continue with unsupported browser" and it let me in though. Apart from not detecthing the system's dark theme, everything seems to work properly so far.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

You could always adapt your user agent in Qutebrowsers config. Sort of trick Nextcloud. 😉

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