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Just for fun, I decided to look into how to use an abacus the other day. I have no practical use for this whatsoever, it was just something I was curious about. Learning this of course made me want to buy an abacus. I know myself well enough to know that while it would probably be an inexpensive purchase, it'd only end up collecting dust on a shelf within a week.

Then I thought about programming a virtual abacus that I could then play around with. I know this to be an absolutely absurd idea, but that absurdity only kinda makes me want to do it even more.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

So it's fun to use and all, but it's way too easy for a fumble with the keyboard to mess the whole thing up.

Besides, now I'm looking into soroban-style abacuses (abacii?) They seem more interesting. I'm probably going to break down and actually buy one.

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