__New User Thread__
Are you new to fountain pens, or trying to decide if fountain pens are for you? Reply here with your questions and our helpful members will do their best to answer!
#FPNewbie #FountainPens
Are you new to fountain pens, or trying to decide if fountain pens are for you? Reply here with your questions and our helpful members will do their best to answer!
#FPNewbie #FountainPens
in reply to Penfount • Pen Community • • •Jonathan Lamothe
in reply to Douglas • •- Platinum Preppy (very cheap, well loved, but I have personally never used)
- LAMY Safari (reasonably priced, nigh indestructible, the EF nibs don't necessarily flow super well, but this isn't an issue with F and above)
- TWSBI Eco (holds a ton of ink, really smooth writer at a low price, can be prone to cracking, but has good customer support who typically will send out replacement parts for the cost of shipping)
- Pilot Metropolitan (nice looking pen, cheap, decent writer, but I'm not fond of the ink converter)
Douglas likes this.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe • • •Jonathan Lamothe
in reply to Douglas • •Douglas likes this.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe • • •Jonathan Lamothe
in reply to Douglas • •Douglas likes this.
in reply to Douglas • • •@douglasvb @me best bet is make sure the converter is full. Less air in the cartridge, less likely to leak. That said. Do expect a bit of ink in the cap.
Ive learned that whether flying, or diving two hours into the mountains, having a tissue or small cleaning rag on hand is a good idea.
in reply to Wojo • • •Wojo
in reply to Douglas • • •@douglasvb @me ive done several flights. Your mileage will vary from time to time. And from pen to pen.
I never dared to uncap a pen in flight. Sometimes a pen will be a drop, next time could be more than several.
I guess i just dont want to promise you wont get a bit of a mess, but you wont likely have it bleeding all over the place.
in reply to Douglas • • •Jonathan Lamothe
in reply to paradoxmo • •