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Because I have a habit of misplacing things, I have a rule where my glasses are concerned: on my face or in the case.*

This rule does not help me so much when I misplace the case itself.

* This also serves to prevent me from leaving my glasses somewhere that they might be damaged.


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Jonathan Lamothe
@Sr. Estegosaurio 🦕 Yeah, I've had to make my life very regimented. It's nearly impossible for me to function as a human otherwise. Still, I occasionally make mistakes.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I spent half an hour the other night trying to find my glasses, because I didn't put them down in the usual place. Fool of a took that I was.
in reply to Kevin Davy

@Kevin Davy I established this rule when I was training for my last job. The training was on-line and we were given a 10 minute break. Punctuality was very heavily emphasized. I set them down somewhere when I left on break and realized I wasn't wearing them when I came back and couldn't read my screen.

Bad times were had.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

My partner found my reading glasses in a tree 24 hours later... 🤦 Have just invested in varifocals in a bid to use your tactics. It's only become an issue since needing a separate pair for reading. ADHD tax is real.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I usually find mine on top of my head.. until last week when was using them to look with ;)

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