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I love making (and subsequently eating) #sourdough bread, but it takes so long to make.
in reply to Justin To #НетВойне

@Justin To #НетВойне Fortunately, most of the time it takes is just waiting on it to proof, so it doesn't prevent me from doing other things in the meantime.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

Sometimes I just want bread now, and I can't convince my starter to be quick enough. At least the process doesn't take that much physical effort.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I really wish I could just make it on a daily basis, which would be super satisfying and the right timing for everything.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@justinto This one is essentially what I do, but I also add in grated cheese both into the batter and on top of the batter once it’s in the loaf pan. But the cheese isn’t needed.…

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