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Periodical reminder there's no objective hypocrisy in people, everybody is always internally consistent. So accusations of hypocrisy reveals more about the accuser who doesn't have (or doesn’t want to get) a grasp on this consistency than about the accused.

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in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan Cognitive dissonance is one of the worst feelings people can have so the human brain is genius at making us rationalizations for why everything you do is morally consistent.
in reply to anubis2814

@anubis2814 That can be an aspect of it, but then it becomes easy to switch from accusing people of hypocrisy to accusing people of cognitive dissonance and we've learned nothing. Some people just don't have the same core values as ourselves, and so judging their opinions based on our values will always yield a flawed analysis.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan I always go out of my way to judge people by what they claim to believe and not by my own values.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

I believe there is such a thing a willful or intentional hypocrisy.
in reply to Brian Ă“

@Brian Ó Sure, there can be willful or intentional hypocrisy, but I feel like it can be more accurately described by “lies”, “political calculus”, etc… As the person doing it is still internally consistent throughout the process.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@Hypolite Petovan I don't know that I entirely agree. I'm sometimes able to see some hypocrisy in myself. I try my best to address it as best I can when I do, but it's still sometimes present.

Edit: typo

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

@Jonathan Lamothe Of course, but that’s subjective hypocrisy, you’re judging yourself based on your own values, which is fine by me. I do it too.

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