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Well, booked my first appointment with the new doctor today. Haven't had my records transferred because I don't have $200 just sitting around for the digitization fee at the moment. Hopefully he'll be willing to renew my #ADHD meds using the previous prescripiton bottles as sufficient evidence of their necessity. I really don't want to jump through those hoops again.

It's not like I'll die without them or anything, but my life will get a lot harder.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe


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in reply to Shae Erisson


@Shae Erisson I do plan to eventually pay the fee to have the records transferred. That should help quite a bit. It's just that the supply of meds won't hold out that long.

I should've gotten my act together sooner to take care of this, but you know... ADHD. 🙃

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