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Slack, Discord, and all of those all bind /me to italics - and it's wildly annoying because my /me instincts still exist
in reply to silverwizard

let's just say what needs to be said: IRC is still superior to Slack and its cloud-era chattypal garbage friends. there was/is a contender in XMPP but what happened... google camped out on the protocol and enshittified it as expected.
in reply to 🩷 eva 🩷

@🩷 eva 🩷 I use XMPP every single day! Several XMPP clients handle /me quite well. It's also a network where things are happening again, but there's a lot of people who remember it as dying, but it's in a cool place!

I... wish I had found an IRC client I like. I just, never can get beyond my mental blocks and really just need to make one with dmenu and netcat or something.

in reply to silverwizard

rad! I've been looking for a new xmpp server host/community, considering spinning up a new one with ejabberd but oooh the time, always short on time.

irc clients, totally not easy to settle on for gui ones. hexchat is still kicking, and kde has a decent one, but there's always the option to return to irssi.

in reply to 🩷 eva 🩷

@🩷 eva 🩷 See that's the issue! I hate irssi! I can't get my head around it!

People keep recommending me WeeChat but I keep forgetting. One day.

My friends run an XMPP project,, which has some MUCs if you want to look around!

in reply to silverwizard

@silverwizard @🩷 eva 🩷 I've migrated mostly to XMPP (for the half dozen or so people I know who use it) but I was pretty happy with irssi for IRC. It can even pull double duty and do XMPP, though admittedly a little buggily.

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