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Just received an emergency tornado alert recommending to take shelter in a basement.

I live in an apartment. We don't have a basement.

in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I mean, there is a basement floor and there is a hallway we could use down there in a worst-case scenario. Fortunately, the storm seems to be letting up.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

if you don’t have access to a basement, go to the lowest and most centre area of your apartment or house that has no windows.. so a hallway or bathroom. Ontario tornados aren’t that strong.. yet.
in reply to erin (she/her)

@erin (she/her) You know, it's funny (in a not funny way). We've had a number of tornado warnings in recent years. In my childhood, I can only ever remember that happening once.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

yes! They are attributing this to climate change, saying Canada’s tornado alley which was in Alberta I believe has now moved to the most populated area.. being southern ON up to Eastern ON and western QC

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