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I've never liked peaches. The texture of peach fuzz on my tongue makes my skin crawl, but nectarines are possibly the best fruit in the world.
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

I eat peaches with the skin on, but usually rinsing them and rubbing them with a paper towel gets most of the fuzz texture off, since I'm also not a big fan of that
in reply to lori

@lori I find the only thing that does it sufficiently for me is peeling them, and that seems like a lot of work when nectarines exist. 🙃
in reply to Jonathan Lamothe

yeah lol i'd absolutely eat nectarines before i'd peel a peach

Unless I'm going to a farmers market where they have the good shit I end up buying nectarines more than peaches anyway just because supermarkets tend to have dogshit peaches but okay nectarines.

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