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Dear everyone on the Fediverse who posts anything political...

If you're not going to put your post behind a "political" content warning, then please at the very least use FULL NAMES instead of nick names like "Orange man" or "Kama" or "Vice Daddy" or whatever.

It makes it hard for those who are trying to filter out political content from their feed.


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in reply to Mr. Funk E. Dude

100% Agreed.

And for those of us who do care to engage with political content, we'd prefer to do so with adults, not schoolyard children using singsong insults.

in reply to Mr. Funk E. Dude

ahaha yesss. I was gonna ask this of the public the other day too but on second thought I realised my convenience is less important than a topic of what is life and death for others, so I figured it'd be better just to manage my experience myself, this being the place for that. worked out perfectly for me.
in reply to millennial falcon

@falcennial I never asked anyone to change the topic. I only asked that people not use alternative names so that filters can work. Use “Trump” not “Orange man” and so on.

If someone chooses not to, that’s fine. That’s their right. I can just mute or block them.

People are free to do what they want. I’m just letting them know that there are people who wished they would make a different choice.

in reply to Mr. Funk E. Dude

Many people use hash tags for non political people to key on. Are those hashtags not effective? Because people are not going to stop using nicknames, they hope the hash tags take care of it.
in reply to DeadTOm :d20:

@DeadTOm :d20: Sometimes that's just what you have to do. Friendica (what I use) has an option to automatically collapse all of a given users' posts, essentially CWing them all. I don't know if Mastodon has this feature, but I've found it useful in cases where I don't want to completely unfollow.

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