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R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd: reshared this.

Has anyone else been having troubles getting updates from @The Tor Project's #Debian repository? The signing key seems to be expired.

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in reply to uhuru

@uhuru FWIW I personally had way more issues with Debian testing than with Arch 🀷
in reply to ilyess

ok, personal experience is a bit different....

using debian unstable for ~15y, 4-5 serious issues.. still remember which ones..
4-5y ago, used arch for a month, and things were breaking every (other?) day...

Bob Jonkman reshared this.

Okay, sqlitebrowser (from the #Debian repositories) is actually a pretty decent tool. It provides a nice point-and-click interface that makes working with #sqlite3 databases a little bit nicer. Knowledge of how to write an #SQL query is still a requirement, but it makes creating/editing tables more convenient. Maybe it's well known, but I just discovered it yesterday.

Edit: sqlite browser, not mysqlbrowser

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

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